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Jun 11, 2024
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Still not PC. Can’t say tranny anymore.

Joking aside, people have been complaining about rough shifting. Don’t know how widespread it is but I’ve seen complaints.
I don't live my life to please other people or go out of my way to offend. Tranny has been shorthand for transmission for 100 years. Snooze you lose. Buck up buttercups who are offended (Pete, I know you are being sarcastic.)


Ram Guru
Nov 28, 2022
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Jun 8, 2024
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I don't live my life to please other people or go out of my way to offend. Tranny has been shorthand for transmission for 100 years. Snooze you lose. Buck up buttercups who are offended (Pete, I know you are being sarcastic.)
One of my favorite jokes is when I’m speaking to my father about vehicles and he asks when the last time was my tranny was serviced and I always respond with “I don’t think you’re allowed to say that anymore.” He never gets the joke which makes it even better for me.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2024
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Well, called my dealer for my bi-weekly checkup on status and he was obviously busy and quickly said "I checked yesterday, there's no change it's still in D status". After asking if he meant D1 he confirmed, said no change again and we ended the call. I think I'll wait until like 8/5 for the next call lol...


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2024
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Northern Indiana
Well, called my dealer for my bi-weekly checkup on status and he was obviously busy and quickly said "I checked yesterday, there's no change it's still in D status". After asking if he meant D1 he confirmed, said no change again and we ended the call. I think I'll wait until like 8/5 for the next call lol...
Was at my dealer last evening and passed the info from anthony on. They had not heard anything about the memo but their GM has been on vaca all week. So he sent a message to the rep about making the level change. Haven’t heard anything today from them. I’m still in D also


Active Member
Jun 18, 2018
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2025 Tungsten -Ordered February 23. In D1 status. Called dealership yesterday and ship date is 08/07. I would guess based off of the information that we are all getting, they are planning to make a run of Tungstens over the next couple of weeks. Not sure of the timing of the line, but I would hope we see some moving to "In Production" next week. Has anyone's Tungsten moved to "In Production" Yet? I would think they would run a few early to ensure QA...Just thinkin out loud...


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2024
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2025 Tungsten -Ordered February 23. In D1 status. Called dealership yesterday and ship date is 08/07. I would guess based off of the information that we are all getting, they are planning to make a run of Tungstens over the next couple of weeks. Not sure of the timing of the line, but I would hope we see some moving to "In Production" next week. Has anyone's Tungsten moved to "In Production" Yet? I would think they would run a few early to ensure QA...Just thinkin out loud...
Agree with everything.

Clarification - Mine is still in D1. Point of my previous post was that my dealer was pissy with me for continuing to ask him about it.

I would guess that mid-week they start up the plant with the intent of running Tungstens. I bet they start with a couple and begin ramping up similar to what they've done with other trim levels. Their priority will probably be sold orders (ours).

I can't see them not weaving in the Limiteds with Level A though. I just don't know what that will look like. However, considering all of our (Tungstens) estimated ship dates are within the first 2 weeks of August, I bet they do both at the same time.

Comments from the CEO lead me to believe that they've been letting the plant do these slow ramp ups to gain efficiencies. I have a feeling that, based on comments from dealerships, he's swung too far towards operational efficiencies and will swing back a little towards supporting dealerships. In other words, the plant will probably have to deal with quicker ramp-ups or simultaneous ramp ups. However, not to the extent that it's had to deal with in recent years.


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2024
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Northern Indiana
2025 Tungsten -Ordered February 23. In D1 status. Called dealership yesterday and ship date is 08/07. I would guess based off of the information that we are all getting, they are planning to make a run of Tungstens over the next couple of weeks. Not sure of the timing of the line, but I would hope we see some moving to "In Production" next week. Has anyone's Tungsten moved to "In Production" Yet? I would think they would run a few early to ensure QA...Just thinkin out loud...
the plant is still closed this week, I was at my dealers and he said the 24th to 25th they are scheduled to run some high-end trucks from what his rep sent him when inquiring about mine..

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