It's home! Didn't get many pics...put the mudflaps on and the all weather mats in. First impression is that it's stupid quiet. I couldn't tell it was running at first. Still babying it in the breakin period but I can tell it's got a lot left. It seems to ride better than my 2019..that might be going down to the 20s in the off road package versus the 22's that were on the 2019. Feels more nimble and responsive in the steering as well. I also think they "turned down" the HK sound 2019 with the "same system" has much more's like the detuned to subwoofer some or something...hopefully they kick it up some in a software update like the did with the 2019s. Also little

in the fit and finish of one of the at the dealer said they couldn't adjust it anymore, but I'll dig in some more. Other than that, happy in the 1 hour I've had it so far lol.
More as I drive it more.