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Uconnect 5 FOTA S23.13 - Released 02/02/22


Just got another OTA update on my 22 Ram rebel to version v24.13

Any TSB associated with the update, known issues/fixes etc?

The issue is it didn’t fix anything and broke the weather again!

@RamCares , what was this supposed to do? When will you fix the climate shortcuts? When will you fix the weather? When will you stop sending notices about how much you miss me being signed up for your crappy app?
Hi @Mpgrimm2 and @Fastluck13,
We've attached a snippet of the concerns this update should address. As for the weather concerns, this is something our engineers are working to address and we hope to have this resolved soon. If additional concerns arise or if the symptoms listed on the TSB persist, feel free to follow up with us privately with your VIN for further investigation.

Ram Cares

Hi @Mpgrimm2 and @Fastluck13,
We've attached a snippet of the concerns this update should address. As for the weather concerns, this is something our engineers are working to address and we hope to have this resolved soon. If additional concerns arise or if the symptoms listed on the TSB persist, feel free to follow up with us privately with your VIN for further investigation.

Ram Cares

View attachment 132951
I know this will fall on deaf ears but @RamCares, ask your Uconnect enginers if they know what regression testing is. In short, all existing features are tested against the software design specification to verify nothing was broken with the latest release candidate.

If they say that know what regression testing is, ask why don't they start doing it and quit putting us through the meat grinder with each new release. If they don't want to do that, then give me the option to deny updates. I've been putting up with this release to fix while breaking something else since my first ram in 2013. I'm tired of it, I'm tired of resetting, and I'm tired of having to do a relearn of all my personalization settings. Enough is enough.
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I know this will fall on deaf ears but @RamCares, ask your Uconnect enginers if they know what regression testing is. In short, all existing features are tested against the software design specification to verify nothing was broken with the latest release candidate.

If they say that know what regression testing is, ask why don't they start doing it and quit putting us through the meat grinder with each new release. If they don't want to do that, then give me the option to deny updates. I've been putting up with this release to fix while breaking something else since my first ram in 2013. I'm tired of it, I'm tired of resetting, and I'm tired of having to do a relearn of all my personalization settings. Enough is enough.
Hi n8zcc,
Sorry to hear of your frustration! Please know that all updates do go through a series of tests before they are released to the public. If you're experiencing concerns after to receiving an update, feel free to follow up with us in PM with your VIN and additional details. We'd be happy to open a case to get your concerns investigated further.

Ram Cares
Hi n8zcc,
Sorry to hear of your frustration! Please know that all updates do go through a series of tests before they are released to the public. If you're experiencing concerns after to receiving an update, feel free to follow up with us in PM with your VIN and additional details. We'd be happy to open a case to get your concerns investigated further.

Ram Cares
You make this sound as if it is a single issue, an issue with me, with my vehicle, it isn't, these updates affect many of us and we see many of the same issues or collateral issues.

I don't know what kind of a "series of tests" but I will guarantee that it isn't a regression test against the software design specification because if it was, these "issues" we see wouldn't be.

9 years, that is how long I've owned RAM trucks with some version of Uconnect and for those same 9 years, every update has broken something, forcing me to do a reset, and have to relearn and save my personalization. Enough!
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You make this sound as if it is a single issue, an issue with me, with my vehicle, it isn't, these updates affect many of us and we see many of the same issues or collateral issues.

I don't know what kind of a "series of tests" but I will guarantee that it isn't a regression test against the software design specification because if it was, these "issues" we see wouldn't be.

9 years, that is how long I've owned RAM trucks with some version of Uconnect and for those same 9 years, every update has broken something, forcing me to do a reset, and have to relearn and save my personalization. Enough!
think about this, since you have had a ram for 9 years how many trucks is that? around 2.2 million just based on the 1500. include all other models and it is many more. yet there have not been but about 1 percent that have issues, maybe not even that much.
I am NOT saying your issues are not important because they are to you.
but if there was a major issue there would be many more complaints, and possibly a recall.
I understand your frustration but taking it out on ramcares is like talking to the wall.
think about this, since you have had a ram for 9 years how many trucks is that? around 2.2 million just based on the 1500. include all other models and it is many more. yet there have not been but about 1 percent that have issues, maybe not even that much.
I am NOT saying your issues are not important because they are to you.
but if there was a major issue there would be many more complaints, and possibly a recall.
I understand your frustration but taking it out on ramcares is like talking to the wall.
I've had a 2013 I traded for my 2022 and I still have my 2015. Last model year, RAM sold over 500,000 RAM trucks.

Recalls are for issues directly related to safety.

I would like to know more about how you calculated that 1% of the vehicles have Uconnect software update/feature issues.

You are missing my point. This is about the Uconnect updates that address an issue or issues and that is a good thing, it demonstrates a natural evolution of the software. What is wrong is that Uconnect features that were working no longer are. This is not isolated to just my truck, visit any of the numerous RAM (or Jeep or Dodge) forums and there is complaint after complaint about this.

In a mature software development environment, regression testing is done on a release candidate to make sure existing features remain intact and that the new features do not affect the existing ones. I do understand that sometimes a hard reset is needed, have you ever seen a Uconnect release that stated that? I have not.

The solution is either Uconnect development needs to evolve to a more mature development environment (look up CMMI) or, give me an option to save and restore my personalization settings, or give me the ability to deny an update.

You are right about RAM CARES, they must be a simple PR front, they really can answer questions nor have any influence over issues. I sent them my VIN once as they requested asking about what the dynamic light setting controlled on my Uconnect screen. Never heard from them until I pinged them about three weeks later. They then told me they forwarded my question to the Uconnect team who would respond to me. After nearly four months I'm still waiting for that response and still wondering about that dynamic light setting.
I've had a 2013 I traded for my 2022 and I still have my 2015. Last model year, RAM sold over 500,000 RAM trucks.

Recalls are for issues directly related to safety.

I would like to know more about how you calculated that 1% of the vehicles have Uconnect software update/feature issues.

You are missing my point. This is about the Uconnect updates that address an issue or issues and that is a good thing, it demonstrates a natural evolution of the software. What is wrong is that Uconnect features that were working no longer are. This is not isolated to just my truck, visit any of the numerous RAM (or Jeep or Dodge) forums and there is complaint after complaint about this.

In a mature software development environment, regression testing is done on a release candidate to make sure existing features remain intact and that the new features do not affect the existing ones. I do understand that sometimes a hard reset is needed, have you ever seen a Uconnect release that stated that? I have not.

The solution is either Uconnect development needs to evolve to a more mature development environment (look up CMMI) or, give me an option to save and restore my personalization settings, or give me the ability to deny an update.

You are right about RAM CARES, they must be a simple PR front, they really can answer questions nor have any influence over issues. I sent them my VIN once as they requested asking about what the dynamic light setting controlled on my Uconnect screen. Never heard from them until I pinged them about three weeks later. They then told me they forwarded my question to the Uconnect team who would respond to me. After nearly four months I'm still waiting for that response and still wondering about that dynamic light setting.
I'm just guessing on the percent based on how many complaints are posted here.
beside 1 percent is what most companies would like to see in errors sometimes up to 5 percent.
I'm not missing any point most people come to forums to complain.
recalls are not only for safety issues.
I'm not having any issues with my 22 through I only have the standard system no nav.
so you have never updated your computer only to have issues?
my main point is complaining on a public forum gets you no closer to a solution.
I'm just guessing on the percent
You shouldn't throw out a number and present it as factual to make a point.

There are a few versions of the hardware and several different options on the truck that Uconnect has to interact with. It can be and likely is a difficult task to regression test but it is something that has to be done if you expect customer satisfaction.

Recalls are for safety and emission issues. All other issues are by TSB.

I also have a 2022 Uconnect, 12", Longhorn with the Level 1 option. When I first took delivery I had to do a hard reset to get weather and fuel prices working. I'm good I thought until one day I saw the Uconnect screen telling me it was updating. I wasn't given the option, it just did it. When it got done, the system rebooted and after about 24 hours, all of the screen settings came back but the weather and fuel prices were missing. A hard reset and a relearning of my personalizations had to be done. This happen again a few weeks ago.

Maybe my issue is because my truck has all the goodies, maybe it is the memory seats, or it doesn't like my profile settings, I don't know. I do know I'm tired of it. At least with my 2013 and my 2015, updates were manual by USB stick, I had control and Uconnect stability.

I am seriously considering disconnecting the cellular antenna connection so this update process stops.

Arguing with me is fruitless, I've got a career under my belt in automotive electronics and software development. I know how it all works, boy do I know.
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Can we please get a fix for when the auto headlights turn on it resets CarPlay, and losses the map route currently in progress. And goes to half screen rather than full screen it was on?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
any update if things improved with the version s24 or any news or idea when a new update, s25 I guess then, will arrive?
any update if things improved with the version s24 or any news or idea when a new update, s25 I guess then, will arrive?
Hello Liquid li0n,

The S24.13 is the latest software at the moment. Our technical team is currently working on an enhanced software, which should be releasing in the coming months/soon. You will be notified once the update becomes available.

Ram Cares
You shouldn't throw out a number and present it as factual to make a point.

There are a few versions of the hardware and several different options on the truck that Uconnect has to interact with. It can be and likely is a difficult task to regression test but it is something that has to be done if you expect customer satisfaction.

Recalls are for safety and emission issues. All other issues are by TSB.

I also have a 2022 Uconnect, 12", Longhorn with the Level 1 option. When I first took delivery I had to do a hard reset to get weather and fuel prices working. I'm good I thought until one day I saw the Uconnect screen telling me it was updating. I wasn't given the option, it just did it. When it got done, the system rebooted and after about 24 hours, all of the screen settings came back but the weather and fuel prices were missing. A hard reset and a relearning of my personalizations had to be done. This happen again a few weeks ago.

Maybe my issue is because my truck has all the goodies, maybe it is the memory seats, or it doesn't like my profile settings, I don't know. I do know I'm tired of it. At least with my 2013 and my 2015, updates were manual by USB stick, I had control and Uconnect stability.

I am seriously considering disconnecting the cellular antenna connection so this update process stops.

Arguing with me is fruitless, I've got a career under my belt in automotive electronics and software development. I know how it all works, boy do I know.

I can't pass this one up. I have a career in software development and unless you worked at the unicorn software factory, every release you ever pushed out had issues. If you mastered a release of something that anticipated every situation, I applaud you.

That said, I actually do understand your frustration and appreciate it as I'm currently just trying to get an update but my OTA setup is defunct.

What's frustrating is:

The Uconnect website that says you don't need an update....ever - please either shut that website off or provide a download site.

This "deep sleep" cycle is the craziest approach to updates I've ever seen. If you're going to use that, at least allow a check/force update feature.

Option to opt-out and push until required for safety/mechanical resolution.

Release notes - you know what I mean :-)

There is a profile feature that seems to remember a fair amount of my settings but there's no documentation on it.

My C8 Corvette - it remembers everything and allows multiple profiles matched to fobs or not. It's certainly the nicest setup I've used and does allow checking for updates :-)

I feel your pain.
My 1500 came with the 23.13 when picked up almost two months ago and has most of the problems listed that were supposed to be fixed since it was delivered. Navigation screen goes blank, SXM has stopped working a few times with a hard reset required to get it back each time, screen randomly changes tabs on its own, radio randomly unmutes itself, touch controls for the heated and vented seats pop up when using the shortcut but do not respond, weather app errors out and won't load, no range on Navigation, no fuel prices, no traffic information, probably others that I forgot to mention. All of this since the first day of ownership. Best Ram has been able to do is say they are aware of these known issues and they are working on an update. Just heard they may be releasing an update later this month, although from the looks of this thread, I am not too hopeful that it will actually fix anything. The irony of this whole situation is I had a Chevy Colorado with an 8 inch screen, it used my iPhone for most of its functionality with wired car play, but it worked. My main reason for looking at other vehicles was to get more built-in functionality from the infotainment system. I was originally looking at a higher end Colorado, then I decided it was time to treat myself a little bit and go for a nicely equipped full-size truck, essentially my "Cadillac". I looked at the big three trucks and decided on the Ram because I liked the looks, the ride, and the comfort level above the rest, that sweet vertical 12 inch display just topped it off with all of the Uconnect 5 functions. Now that I have my Ram, pretty much fully loaded, I like the truck, everything except all of the problems with the infotainment system, the main reason I began my search for a new vehicle in the first place. So yes, a problem with a system that apparently Ram considers a minor inconvenience was actually the entire reason I purchased one of their vehicles. Here's to hoping this next release actually does come out later this month and that it actually fixes the problems.
My 1500 came with the 23.13 when picked up almost two months ago and has most of the problems listed that were supposed to be fixed since it was delivered. Navigation screen goes blank, SXM has stopped working a few times with a hard reset required to get it back each time, screen randomly changes tabs on its own, radio randomly unmutes itself, touch controls for the heated and vented seats pop up when using the shortcut but do not respond, weather app errors out and won't load, no range on Navigation, no fuel prices, no traffic information, probably others that I forgot to mention. All of this since the first day of ownership. Best Ram has been able to do is say they are aware of these known issues and they are working on an update. Just heard they may be releasing an update later this month, although from the looks of this thread, I am not too hopeful that it will actually fix anything. The irony of this whole situation is I had a Chevy Colorado with an 8 inch screen, it used my iPhone for most of its functionality with wired car play, but it worked. My main reason for looking at other vehicles was to get more built-in functionality from the infotainment system. I was originally looking at a higher end Colorado, then I decided it was time to treat myself a little bit and go for a nicely equipped full-size truck, essentially my "Cadillac". I looked at the big three trucks and decided on the Ram because I liked the looks, the ride, and the comfort level above the rest, that sweet vertical 12 inch display just topped it off with all of the Uconnect 5 functions. Now that I have my Ram, pretty much fully loaded, I like the truck, everything except all of the problems with the infotainment system, the main reason I began my search for a new vehicle in the first place. So yes, a problem with a system that apparently Ram considers a minor inconvenience was actually the entire reason I purchased one of their vehicles. Here's to hoping this next release actually does come out later this month and that it actually fixes the problems.

when is something going to be done about this???
My 1500 came with the 23.13 when picked up almost two months ago and has most of the problems listed that were supposed to be fixed since it was delivered. Navigation screen goes blank, SXM has stopped working a few times with a hard reset required to get it back each time, screen randomly changes tabs on its own, radio randomly unmutes itself, touch controls for the heated and vented seats pop up when using the shortcut but do not respond, weather app errors out and won't load, no range on Navigation, no fuel prices, no traffic information, probably others that I forgot to mention. All of this since the first day of ownership. Best Ram has been able to do is say they are aware of these known issues and they are working on an update. Just heard they may be releasing an update later this month, although from the looks of this thread, I am not too hopeful that it will actually fix anything. The irony of this whole situation is I had a Chevy Colorado with an 8 inch screen, it used my iPhone for most of its functionality with wired car play, but it worked. My main reason for looking at other vehicles was to get more built-in functionality from the infotainment system. I was originally looking at a higher end Colorado, then I decided it was time to treat myself a little bit and go for a nicely equipped full-size truck, essentially my "Cadillac". I looked at the big three trucks and decided on the Ram because I liked the looks, the ride, and the comfort level above the rest, that sweet vertical 12 inch display just topped it off with all of the Uconnect 5 functions. Now that I have my Ram, pretty much fully loaded, I like the truck, everything except all of the problems with the infotainment system, the main reason I began my search for a new vehicle in the first place. So yes, a problem with a system that apparently Ram considers a minor inconvenience was actually the entire reason I purchased one of their vehicles. Here's to hoping this next release actually does come out later this month and that it actually fixes the problems.
Hello Mannayr,

Thank you for grabbing our attention. If you wish to discuss this further with us, please send us a PM with your VIN, we'd be happy to assist.

Ram Cares

when is something going to be done about this???
Hello Bigdodge,

If you can send us a PM with your VIN, along with a photo of your Uconnect software information, we'd be happy to look into this further for you.

Put your vehicle into the ON or ACC position and perform the following--

Go to “Vehicle Settings” then select “ System
Information” and look for “Version Information”

Ram Cares
Hello Bigdodge,

If you can send us a PM with your VIN, along with a photo of your Uconnect software information, we'd be happy to look into this further for you.

Put your vehicle into the ON or ACC position and perform the following--

Go to “Vehicle Settings” then select “ System
Information” and look for “Version Information”

Ram Cares
i only tagged you so you would see it
I am good as of today
No issues with my ram for the last 9 months. Yesterday, while turning the truck on to go to the store, I got this pop-up. Since then, no issues with the other trips I took and no issues with going to work this morning. Just wierd.


2022 Ram Big Horn Back Country
2016 Dodge Charger scat pack
2021 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara
No issues with my ram for the last 9 months. Yesterday, while turning the truck on to go to the store, I got this pop-up. Since then, no issues with the other trips I took and no issues with going to work this morning. Just wierd.


2022 Ram Big Horn Back Country
2016 Dodge Charger scat pack
2021 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara
Hello Arod412,

Please send us a PM with your VIN, we'd be happy to provide you some information on this.

Ram Cares
I also have the 23 but asked the dealer to put the 24 version on it.

I have the car for several months and already have to connect my phone to the uconnect system a few times already. Also had the issue that the app page isn't opening or that the temperature adjustments in the upper corners dissapeared.

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