Summary of my leak experience with my dealer:
Discovered wet carpet in late November/early December, after getting into a cold truck after a rainstorm and having HEAVY condensation on windshield. As well, the left rear seat was soaked. (2nd occurrence of condensation on inside.) The next day (?), I did the hose test at the driver's side C pillar: instant leak inside truck.
Made appointment for dealer to inspect. 2 week delay for appointment. I had to LEAVE the truck. On phone, described it and wanted to wait. (Each drop-off or pickup is over an hour out of my day.) I got a call later that day that the leak was found and I could pick the truck up. Okay, that's about 3 hours out of my day for that. My wife works...she had to coordinate for this, as well.
Dropoff, 1:15 hours (plus wife time)
Pickup, 1:15 hours (plus wife time)
A few days later I was told the new glass was enroute. Made the appointment for about 2 weeks later (December 28th actual glass swap), but had to drop off the day prior, 27th. I dropped it off at 1 p.m. At 10 a.m.,
THE NEXT DAY, I was told that my Retrax tonneau cover had to be removed. Dealer rep, "Yeah, didn't we talk about that?". WTF. And they won't touch costumer installed items. So, either the glass swap would have to be rescheduled (maybe another month), or I had to grab the truck...or bust my *** and get there (with a trailer), and remove the tonneau in their parking lot, toss it on the trailer and bring it home. Yes, I drafted a dealer porter and got it done.
Why did I even bother dropping it off the day prior???
Dropoff, 1:15 hours (plus wife time).
Tonneau, 1:15 travel to/from, :20 standing in dealership trying to find out where it is, :30 to remove it and toss on trailer. 2:05 total.
Window fixed, pick up later that day, 1:15 (plus wife time). (Covered under warrant. Sheet shows dealer cost of $1,435, of which $205 was for the 1 hour to "verify customer concern". Yeah, 10 seconds with a hose. GMAFB.)
(Apparently, though not printed anywhere, the repair is warrantied for 2 years. I got that statement in a separate email when I pushed for it.)
The next day, I re-applied window tint (ceramic, IR block: awesome for heat control in summer). $120 and total time 1:30 (travel and install).
Applied Permatex to new window. 2 tubes. Total time, with prep and cleanup, 2 hours. Cost, $15 for Permatex, $15 for tape, etc.
Reapplied new Dashcam mount. :15 and $25
Man (and wife

) hours I had to put into getting my truck the way it was BEFORE the leak: 15 hours and 50 minutes.
Let's call it 16 hours total, between my wife and I.
Total out of pocket cost: $175, plus fuel (gas and diesel) for all the drop-offs and pick-ups. Call it easily $200.
Those 16 hours? Those were during work hours. You bet your @ss I'll be signing on to the class action lawsuit to get recompensed for my time and out-of-pocket expenses.