Hey there. I just bought a 2023 Laramie, and this is my first post. I'm interested in adding ACC and I've read through most of this thread over the last couple of days. My truck has FCW already, so according to the first post, I should just need the HCU/ABS module, the switch (which I already have installed), and AlfaODB, which I already have working as well.
My question is this. My local salvage yard has an HCU/ABS module from a 21 TRX with vin number 1C6SRFU95MN904811. If I were to buy that and install it, do you guys think it would work? I know all TRXs are capable of ACC by just adding the switch and turning it on with AlfaODB, but are there any additional concerns with adding the ABS module from a TRX to my truck? I'm not concerned about the VIN mismatch, I found the procedure earlier in this thread to reprogram a used module. I'm mostly concerned because the part number on the module doesn't match any of those that I've seen confirmed to work.
Just to be thorough, my VIN is 1C6SRFJT8PN520218. And here's a link to the part I'm thinking about buying:
I don't really want to buy a new module, mostly because I'm confused as to which part number I should get. It seems like every time I search on a mopar parts website for a part number confirmed to work, nothing comes up. I'm assuming that's because the part has been replaced, but I'm hesitant to pull the trigger on a part I don't know for sure will work.
Thanks in advance for all your help!