Rumor now is not to expect Ram Boxes available until late September.
Hmm... yuck. Makes more sense than the optimistic comments though, with nearly nothing moving still at least not past MOPAR CUSTOM SHOP OPERATIONS BODY_VEND

One commenter on
@ExcursionDiesel ’s Topix post mentioned
low quality steel and rust but his myth was busted by others... another more credible sounding source stated the guys who install Ramboxes simply don’t have them because the fitment wasn’t right when the first ones showed up and engineers were worried about leaks if it wasn’t dealt with - in that case a good decision forcing a necessary and costly redesign, resulting in this long delay.
Decision: My Rambox truck in ~12-16 weeks
if it gets sorted out by the vendor, or a new order for a non-Rambox truck in 7 weeks-ish? Or something else I guess, though I“m not sure if I want to do that.
I’ll tell you, for me a commitment from Ram Corporate would be nice right now maybe through
@RamCares such as: Sorry, we want to get this truck design right for you, but we know these necessary delays are difficult to deal with for many reasons - once Ramboxes are ready to be produced we commit to
prioritizing their production and shipping until the backlog of delayed orders is pushed through.
Would doing that be so difficult? They won’t beat Chevy if they don’t get this done!
That would cover my decision, not sure about y’all as everybody is in a different situation. FCA communication and actual customer care... a pipe dream? Or maybe they’ll try it and like it. We would!