if you're out of warranty then it'd be a good idea to bring to some offroad shop and have them take a look.
we've found some easy to fix stuff that dealers couldn't fix in the past at our shop before.
Well, they can't recreate the problem with the shifting, but it's only because they don't drive it enough. If you drive grandma-ish when it's warm, you'll never notice it. If you give it any throttle when it's trying to figure out what gear it needs to be in from 2-3 or 3-2 then it slips. Best scenario to recreate it would up a slippery hill applying the same amount of throttle the whole time. And that's what I did for them today. Instead I was told that's just normal from the transfer case and being on a slick road.
It's not. No other vehicle has ever done this. If it's not getting traction it's going to slip regardless of what gear it's in and I've never had any issues like this before. When it's cold, leaving the driveway I have to baby it to not go into 2nd and the same goes for the stop sign up the hill out to the highway. It builds up the RPM and then slams into gear and it looks like I am flooring it and trying to spin my tires but forgot to turn TC off. That's what it feels like and I showed the tech all this.
And judging by the comments I heard on my dashcam after checking from their previous test drive, they aren't interested in finding the problem. This dealership has TONS of attitude. I've never enjoyed going there and I had to restrain myself from physically kicking the tech out of my truck with his smart *** comments and making him walk back. Like, dude, you you knew I had a dashcam and you said those things knowing I would watch it, so I'm supposed to be tactful and nice to you now? Screw you. I won't go into details but something about "probably from California and not used to driving up here" and "If this was my truck I'd be grateful for how it shifts". Seriously... screw this dealership.
Since it's under warranty, I'm not even going to bother trying to hunt down specialty shops especially since I'm rural and options are very limited. So if they can't find a solution for the slipping, I'll just get rid of it. Why waste my time. It's probably the same reason the previous owner got rid of it and will likely be the reason the 3rd one etc etc.
Kinda sad. Because I'd really rather just get it taken care of. But if the dealership is just going to look at me like I'm crazy and waste 7 months of my time, then eff it, especially with their attitude. You know, the type that "nobody wants to work anymore" but they still try paying people less than a liveable wage while making record profits... Yea... it's never their problem or fault. They have signs like that hanging up around the service center too. It's so cringe every time I walk up to the service counter it's some new attitude from someone there. Sorry for being an inconvenience and making them do their jobs.
So the only other option for the tranny is over 100 miles away and I just don't think it's worth it anymore.
I caved. Taking it to the damn dealer 120 damn miles away. dammit.