So this issue appears to be related to Sirius for me. If I leave the FM radio on when I shut my truck down, everything works fine when I start back up. If I leave the radio on Sirius, I’m seeing this issue about 25% of the time.
Today, I had the Sirius loading failure, restarted the truck with FM on and it was working fine. Then, I clicked on XM again and locked up the sound... couldn’t get FM to come back on again. So just the action of switching to XM recreated the issue.
For what it’s worth, I almost always use Pandora on XM. So maybe it has to do with the Pandora use and insufficient signal on startup? Ill try verify.
On a related note, is there any way to “reset” the radio if an error is encountered? Hitting the Power button very obviously does not completely power the unit off.