My build date is also just before the stated range of the TSB #19-002-18, heck earlier than yours. MDH 070717. Definitely experiencing this problem.
I went in to service and described the symptoms, described how the column replacement has fixed it for the other folks experiencing the same problem, identified it as a safety concern at highway speeds, and gave them the TSB number. Service ordered the part and they are applying the TSB Monday, and I’m asking for a paid rental through my MaxCare warranty. Hope your service folks will take care of you too...
Honestly seems like Ram has the build dates wrong on that TSB...
@RamCares is there any way you can let someone know that you are seeing evidence online that this sticking steering problem is clearly occurring in trucks built before the TSB stated build window (#19-002-18)? This problem could result in someone losing control on the highway, nobody wants that... hope someone up there will listen to y’all.