I'll let you all keep drinking the Kool-Aid
What I find interesting is that what some of you say you are "feeling" defies the laws of physics and engine dynamics. Starting from a stop will have ZERO impact on your ability to accelerate with any CAI and this one is no different. Might you feel something at 50+ mph? Yes, you might as more air may get into the engine than the standard intake. However, the engines computers are also designed to monitor many of the engines functions and, as another member eloquently stated in this thread, without a tune to reprogram the engines dynamics, it will have little impact on your drive. What I believe you all are feeling, which has been stated on many different forums, is the "placebo" effect...spending an unGodly amount of money on something that looks awesome and trying to justify the expense by "feeling" something different that really isn't there. Hey...don't get me wrong...if you all are liking it and feel it was worth every penny...that's all that matters and I'm happy you're enjoying your truck more then you did before! Now, with that being said, every time I wash truck, and it looks absolutely AMAZING, it does feel faster when I take it for a spin as the dirt on the vehicle prior was impacting the aerodynamics of the truck so I fully get where you all are coming from
"let me
keep drinking the kool aid"? Really?
You'll "let me" do something?
I've been as conciliatory as I can towards your opinions, and I will now cease doing that considering how insulting, condescending and needlessly arrogant you've been with me and with other posters.
You deserve to be treated with the same dismissive and snarky attitude you've shown others, and here we go.
You are not an expert. You and I have the same expertise on this, in fact I think you have less.
This design shouldn't be roped in with other "hot air intakes" and non-filtering filters, with traditional airbox designs, different tube sizes, and locations.
Your approval, doesn't matter to me, or the other owners of this intake - in the slightest, and it's cringeworthy and bizarre how you jump at people over it. We all want you to knock it off.
I think your opinion on this, is worth what I paid for it.
Aside from your excellent and fantastic tastes in pistols, I won't be responding or acknowledging anything else you've got to say about cold air intakes, unless you can reveal that you're a member of the S.A.E., or you were on the design team that built this thing.
After this send off, I will not be responding to you in this thread anymore. Your attitude is why. Your content is second to that.
And no matter how conciliatory I try to be, you start right up with the BS. There's no point in me trying to be a gentleman when you're not going to be.
I won't tell you how to be, you can quote the posts and feel free to disagree -
I will not be engaging with you anymore in this thread, because I get nothing from it aside from, "hey man CAIs won't make your engine a different engine. And that part is expensive" with a ton of noise surrounding it.
Points taken.
And I agreed.
I wont' go out of my way to find you in other threads or say "hey pedal commanders are silly wastes of money", I won't want to "get even".
I won't be engaging with you further
on this topic, but that won't preclude me from hearing you out on other ones. Pistols for one. People are free to disagree on things, I won't throw away the sum total of someone's experiences or opinions - because of ONE opinion I disagree with. But on THIS topic, I am done with you - as I think many are, and I think you should exit this thread.
EDIT, and added 8-21-2020:
Within about a day of this post, and a few posts of this one, security guy and I shook digital hands and came to an understanding.
Within the week we found common ground on oil change mentality, intervals and products used.
While I was plenty mad at this moment, and we had our differences, we did shake hands and drop the swords.
For those following, you may do as you like, but I wanted to enter into evidence that both he and I are better posters after this exchange, and an understanding was reached as men.