Success adding the Lane Keep and Pedestrian Braking (although haven't tested that out yet..maybe a job to the 17 year old!! Have him walk in front of a joke!)
Ordered the ACC Switch HCU and ABS Module, so once they get here I'll start working that project! Thanks so much to this whole community. @vincentw56, @MayhemMOORE, @tdb0021, and most recently @gmenarvino for all your trial and errors on this. And @Jimmy07 for all the expert advice on all things parts and Alpha and everything!!!
Ordered the ACC Switch HCU and ABS Module, so once they get here I'll start working that project! Thanks so much to this whole community. @vincentw56, @MayhemMOORE, @tdb0021, and most recently @gmenarvino for all your trial and errors on this. And @Jimmy07 for all the expert advice on all things parts and Alpha and everything!!!