SB89, I believe you ordered the correct part numbers. For sure the high beam is correct.
Tonight I installed the high beams and low beams.
The high beams were a snap, took like 2 minutes. I like the 360 rotation to adjust the beam. Everything fit perfectly and I was able to use my dust cap without any interference.
The low beams were a bit more tricky. I went through the wheel liners to get access to the dust covers. I got the old lights out without a problem. Fitting in the new ones was pretty easy. Just make sure you put the small box in first and insert it into the bottom of the headlamp housing. The bulbs twist in ok, but I had a hard time doing it straight. Not because of the bulb, but it was cold and my hands weren’t doing so well. Getting the dust covers back on was a bit tricky and found it was best to use one hand through the wheel well and the other through the hood to get it to seat properly. Low be took maybe a 1/2 hour or less to install.
View attachment 18790
Finished low beams
View attachment 18791Left is original low beam and Right is the new one.
Taking it for a quick test drive, the difference is day and night (pun intended). They really open your field of vision and look great on the truck. I’m really pleased with these Lasfit bulbs. And best of all; No error codes or flicker with these bulbs. For $150 both high beam and low, you can’t beat it.