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Grinding noise when turning to the right

A couple months ago, I noticed an intermittent rubbing noise from the steering wheel. It sounded to me like an insulated wire rubbing against plastic. I pulled the steering wheel, looked inside the column enclosure and nothing looked amiss.

Then yesterday, I got "Service Power Steering" and the Electronic Power Steering (EPS) stopped working entirely and the intermittent rubbing noise become a full time grinding noise. I pulled the connectors at the EPS, and it's getting full voltage and the motor shows no resistance. Checked the ground on the frame horn, it was tight, but took it apart anyways, and it had light oxidation, so cleaned it up and put it back together with dielectric grease. And still no power steering.

Laid under the truck and had someone turn the wheel and the grinding noise is loudest at the EPS. So at 63K miles, the EPS is mechanically dying. :((n)

If this happens to anyone, and you start the truck and you get "Service Power Steering" and no power assist, try cycling through start/restarting the truck about 5 times, and it might start working again, this has worked for me every time so far, until I can get my hands on an EPS.

-EDIT June 8, 2023- Cycling through engine on/off no longer gets the EPS working again, even tried disconnecting battery. Your mileage (pun intended) may vary with trying to get the EPS working again. It's basically a no-go maneuvering in and out of tight parking spots now, and I drove a 61' Chevy pickup for a while, but that steering wheel was huge, like a giant lever.

Found a remanufactured EPS for my Rebel, $1,700.00 with two day shipping, so not a cheap fix. Only $100.00 for the core :( . Good luck out there to everyone!
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Installed the new EPS, then went and got an alignment, and it feels like a dream now. Took about 3 hours to install laying on my back in the dirt on a luxurious moving blanket. It can be removed and installed (Pull the wheels) with the tie rod ends installed, in case you want to set it up on a bench.

The connectors are down low and exposed to water and oil since the filter is just above it. Be sure to use dielectric grease on the connectors, or risk a CAN/BUS issue.

A coworker suspects that the larger tires/rims may have contributed to the demise of the EPS 🤷‍♂️?

I have a 2021 1500 limited and experiencing the same issue. My dealer told me it was lubrication 🤔

@RamCares are you still able to assist with this process so I can have it addressed?

I have a 2021 1500 limited and experiencing the same issue. My dealer told me it was lubrication 🤔

@RamCares are you still able to assist with this process so I can have it addressed?

Hello Jason,

Please send us a PM with your VIN and mileage, we'd like to look further into this for you.

Ram Cares
Sorry to dig up an old thread, but has anyone who got the software update for the steering module have the groaning sound return? Or have any other power steering issues since the TSB was applied? I'm about to go to the dealer tomorrow and ask them to apply the TSB. So just wanted to make sure there is no risk of this causing some other issue.

I had the TSB performed in October of 2021, which seemed to correct it. Now the issue has returned about 3 months ago and appears to be getting worse (louder and more noticeable) each day. Especially when backing or turning into my sloped driveway. Wanted to add that the TSB was performed at ~3500 miles and now I have ~22000 miles.
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My truck is in the shop currently with this issue. They said teh Sway bar was loose and that I replced my tries with a size that is 2" too tall for my truck. Fact is, I replaced my tires with the EXACT size that came off the vehicle and in fact is the only size available for the 22" wheel for this model. Tire Size: 285/45R22/XL
@RamCares ,

I am having this similar issue with my newly purchased 2019 1500 truck just 4 weeks ago. I have bumper to bumper warranty for 4 years. Will you please be able to assist me on this.

Im taking the truck to the dealer on Monday, 10/13/2023.
Interesting.. my 2024 has a light rubbing issue I feel in the steering wheel and gas pedal... I am outside the TSB year so any fixes should have been applied to mine.
I'm having similar issues with my 2021 Limited 1500. The grinding noise is inconsistent and I can't manually reproduce it. Seems to only happen when turning right. I need to take it to the dealer before the warranty runs out in December.
I'm having similar issues with my 2021 Limited 1500. The grinding noise is inconsistent and I can't manually reproduce it. Seems to only happen when turning right. I need to take it to the dealer before the warranty runs out in December.
Let us know what you find out..
Took my new-to-me 2020 Ram 1500 Big Horn Crew Cab 4x4 to my local dealer here in Ocala FL today for this issue (Phillips CJDR). I bought the truck used last month with 24.5k miles.

I explained my concern to the service advisor, and provided him a copy of RAM TSB 08-137-21. I stated my issue was exactly as per the write up, namely, a "vibration felt or noise heard when turning right at low speeds."

They returned the truck to me after about an hour and a half, indicating on the paperwork that they had performed the EPS reflash per the TSB. No charge; I'm not complaining since the truck is out of the original warranty, but was sold to me as a "Ram Certified Pre-Owned" truck in February (the program indicates a $100 deductible for each visit, but in this case it wasn't applied). I was very satisfied with the dealer; this is the second time they have addressed an issue for me they technically did not have to. Kudos to them.

I'll monitor for the noise and report back in a few weeks on the status. It did not occur on the ride home, I have to say, so, so far so good.
Are any of you experiencing this in 4WD Auto ONLY?

I’ve been experiencing a whining noise when I’m doing a left or right turn (sometimes brake too) in only 4WD Auto.

I brought this to my dealership twice already and they couldn’t replicate the noise. I was told from their technician that it is normal to have these noises on dry condition days….

Fact that it has been like this even on raining days.

I did made a post a while ago and now I’m at 17,000KM, still same issue.

Any thoughts?
Are any of you experiencing this in 4WD Auto ONLY?

I’ve been experiencing a whining noise when I’m doing a left or right turn (sometimes brake too) in only 4WD Auto.

I brought this to my dealership twice already and they couldn’t replicate the noise. I was told from their technician that it is normal to have these noises on dry condition days….

Fact that it has been like this even on raining days.

I did made a post a while ago and now I’m at 17,000KM, still same issue.

Any thoughts?
No. Mine was doing it in 2wd
That sux
Your issue may be something else. Cv joints, transfer case, etc

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