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Freedom Convoy

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And that's a fair argument. However, if that's the case, I would contend that they are at least somewhat effect at preventing transmission of covid. If they are restricting air flow from getting out it restricts air/virus from getting in.
As I mentioned a while ago, if it's only a 1% gain, that's enough for me who is compromised. For a healthy person, maybe not so much. For them, maybe don't bother with a mask.
Yes. Agreed.
The neck gaiters are actually banned in a lot of places because they were actually shown to increase the transmission of Covid by breaking up the droplets into smaller sizes that stay suspended in the air longer.
I had not heard of that. I was just wearing it because I can breathe with it on, and make the powers that be happy at the same time.
How do you know that if you don't watch Fox news? I guess MSDNC tells you that 30 round mags are the problem.

I don't watch any station on a regular basis....I have tuned into Fox, MSNBC and CNN at times.....all three lie and cater to their audience. It's interesting.....within minutes.....

CNN......"Ukrane is being bombed.....people are dying"

MSNBC....."Trump to hold another rally and encourage followers to attack capitol!"

Fox......."No matter what Biden does or says.....his mind is gone....he sucks!

If you play the drinking game while switching between these stations and down one for each lie......you'll be s-faced with seconds.
I don't watch any station on a regular basis....I have tuned into Fox, MSNBC and CNN at times.....all three lie and cater to their audience. It's interesting.....within minutes.....

CNN......"Ukrane is being bombed.....people are dying"

MSNBC....."Trump to hold another rally and encourage followers to attack capitol!"

Fox......."No matter what Biden does or says.....his mind is gone....he sucks!

If you play the drinking game while switching between these stations and down one for each lie......you'll be s-faced with seconds.
Don't forget about Hunter Biden's laptop, drug use videos, and hooker pics are Russian disinformation.
Magazine capacity doesn't have the effect you want to try and make people think. The Columbine shooting was done using a gun that only had a 10 round magazine. They didn't make larger magazines for that gun. Your mag capacity limit wouldn't have stopped that shooting, and most others that have happened in current years.

Your opinion.......but you don't know for sure. I am sure a few parents with dead children would disagree with you.
30 + 30=rhubarb.........right?
True. Many of these mass shooters are carrying multiple guns too. So if one runs dry due to a capacity limit, they'd just switch to the next one.

Well....once again you are clearly wrong.....read the following......look at the AR and high capcacity stats.....more people killed but you just keep believing your make believe stories.

Your reasoning for bans on standard capacity magazines was that you don't need them to hunt and I think you literally said that the deer aren't shooting back. Feels like I've heard both of those talking points somewhere before...

There you go assuming again.....there are many reasons.....including more people die........but that doesn't matter to you.
Do you lick windows?
Are you wearing your Ukraine Nazi paraphernalia?

See, I can do it too. SMDH.

You seem a bit riled.....maybe some rest and quit soliciting....makes you look foolish.
Well....once again you are clearly wrong.....read the following......look at the AR and high capcacity stats.....more people killed but you just keep believing your make believe stories.

California had 29 mass shootings, and you think this is an indicator that gun control works?

New Hampshire is consistently at the top for most gun friendly states. How many have they had? Zero. I'll repeat that. Zero mass shootings in New Hampshire during that time frame. Interesting...
There you go assuming again.....there are many reasons.....including more people die........but that doesn't matter to you.
We already covered that. More people die from feet than from rifles. That's all rifles by the way, not just the ones you're afraid of.
Don't forget about Hunter Biden's laptop, drug use videos, and hooker pics are Russian disinformation.

Well...if were going there......lets include Donny Jr and daddy's pee pee tapes that Putin has. LOL!
California had 29 mass shootings, and you think this is an indicator that gun control works?

New Hampshire is consistently at the top for most gun friendly states. How many have they had? Zero. I'll repeat that. Zero mass shootings in New Hampshire during that time frame. Interesting...

Well.......you are just so smart.....really just brilliant. Ya think the fact that Calif has 40 million people and NH has 1.3 million is a factor? I bet you think it also a race thing......you know.....those people of color just like shooting each other!
Well.......you are just so smart.....really just brilliant. Ya think the fact that Calif has 40 million people and NH has 1.3 million is a factor? I bet you think it also a race thing......you know.....those people of color just like shooting each other!
Of course that's a factor, just like culture, social issues, etc are factors.

The point is, if your idiotic ideas for gun control worked, we should expect to see the opposite.
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