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Freedom Convoy

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I think we both have some intelligence.......we just see things differently..
I didn't say you had zero intelligence. And seeing things differently isn't important. If I see 2 + 2 equaling 4 and you see 2 + 2 equaling potato, that doesn't mean that we just have different opinions. That means that you're wrong and you don't even understand the topic of discussion.
If we enforced the laws we have now, and felons and mental illnesses were reported the way they are supposed to, that would solve a lot of problems. There doesn't need to be more laws. No reason to restrict mag capacity, it just makes people think they are making a difference. Anyone with AR platform can swap 10 round magazines just as quickly as 30 round magazines making mag size a mute point. And unless there is someone shooting back at them, they could be swapping 5 round mags all day without issue.

I agree....current laws should be enforced. I really do like my mandatory 30 year law suggestion.....but it would need to be enforced and we would need to build more/bigger prisons. Capacities should be limited but......it's a penis ego thing for many.....the larger......the better. I need on shot to bring down an elk or an intruder.....but......that's me.
If we enforced the laws we have now, and felons and mental illnesses were reported the way they are supposed to, that would solve a lot of problems. There doesn't need to be more laws. No reason to restrict mag capacity, it just makes people think they are making a difference. Anyone with AR platform can swap 10 round magazines just as quickly as 30 round magazines making mag size a mute point. And unless there is someone shooting back at them, they could be swapping 5 round mags all day without issue.
yup. The prosecutors in liberal cities let murderers out of jail after a few days, while the city de-funds the police. This is the problem. Not sure why the intent is to punish law abiding citizens to fix the crime problem.
I didn't say you had zero intelligence. And seeing things differently isn't important. If I see 2 + 2 equaling 4 and you see 2 + 2 equaling potato, that doesn't mean that we just have different opinions. That means that you're wrong and you don't even understand the topic of discussion.

Based on you 2+2=potatoe example........I don't think you are qualified to judge what I do and don't understand. I love your...."I am always right complex".........ever play a team sport?
Based on you 2+2=potatoe example........I don't think you are qualified to judge what I do and don't understand. I love your...."I am always right complex".........ever play a team sport?
I am more than qualified to know what you do and don't understand.

What you've offered in support of banning standard capacity magazines tells me plenty.

The banal responses you've given on pretty much everything only furthers that.
yup. The prosecutors in liberal cities let murderers out of jail after a few days, while the city de-funds the police. This is the problem. Not sure why the intent is to punish law abiding citizens to fix the crime problem.

Do us all a favor.....turn off Fox News and refreash your mind.........liberal cities....murderers...de fund the police.......all Fox talking points........you sound like Marjorie Talor Greene.
I am more than qualified to know what you do and don't understand.

What you've offered in support of banning standard capacity magazines tells me plenty.

The banal responses you've given on pretty much everything only furthers that.

Let me rephrase that......it is more than just a complex........it goes deeper.......were you picked on as a child? Maybe you need a hug?
Do us all a favor.....turn off Fox News and refreash your mind.........liberal cities....murderers...de fund the police.......all Fox talking points........you sound like Marjorie Talor Greene.
How do you know that if you don't watch Fox news? I guess MSDNC tells you that 30 round mags are the problem.
Try to defend your family from a cartel member who's shooting at your with a full auto AK with one round.
You're actually making my point against magazine capacity there. Limiting magazine capacity reduces your ability to defend yourself from someone intent on doing harm. A law saying you can't have more than 10 rounds isn't going to stop a murderer from carrying 20 rounds. So all it does is prevent the law abiding citizen from having equal capacity.

My point was that it only takes 1 bullet to kill someone. So limiting to 10 rounds isn't going to prevent murder, or even mass murder since they could kill 10 people with a legal magazine. I'm certainly not saying 1 round is sufficient. Quite the opposite actually. So yes, I want more than 10 rounds to defend against that full auto AK.

True. I'm glad you have the right to wear a mask and I don't judge anyone that does. Your body your choice. I just didn't like the dizzy feeling it gives me. Also don't like the affects it has on kids who are breathing in huge amounts of CO2 for 9 hours a day, when they have 99.9% change to live trough the sickness. I agree, it is like the lottery....taking a chance. Much of life is this way. I almost get in a wreck at least twice a week because of dumb drivers playing on their phones while driving, but I take the risk and drive to work anyway.
We agree on this too (unless that was a poorly articulated opposition). Your body, your choice. Wear a mask, don't wear a mask, I won't judge you so you shouldn't judge me. Do what's right for you. I don't think the government should be regulating masks or vaccines. If a parent wants their kid to wear a mask in school, so be it. If not, so what.

That said. I've heard the CO2 arguments, but it's always by the same people who say masks don't work. What they're saying is that 3 atoms (1 carbon 2 oxygen) can't get through the mask but an airborne virus can. Airborne. As in, it's transmitted through the air we breathe? That air is comprised of roughly 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen. So the argument is that carbon/oxygen can't get through effectively but nitrogen/oxygen gets through so easily that it's pointless to wear a mask at all. These arguments contradict each other.
Either air can get in and transport the virus, or air can't get out causing a buildup of CO2. Masks aren't a 1 way valve.
Let me rephrase that......it is more than just a complex........it goes deeper.......were you picked on as a child? Maybe you need a hug?
Says the dude who is absolutely terrified of the number 30.
Based on you 2+2=potatoe example........I don't think you are qualified to judge what I do and don't understand. I love your...."I am always right complex".........ever play a team sport?
Says the guy with an ,"I am always right" complex.
That said. I've heard the CO2 arguments, but it's always by the same people who say masks don't work. What they're saying is that 3 atoms (1 carbon 2 oxygen) can't get through the mask but an airborne virus can. Airborne. As in, it's transmitted through the air we breathe? That air is comprised of roughly 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen. So the argument is that carbon/oxygen can't get through effectively but nitrogen/oxygen gets through so easily that it's pointless to wear a mask at all. These arguments contradict each other.
Either air can get in and transport the virus, or air can't get out causing a buildup of CO2. Masks aren't a 1 way valve.
I'm not a fan of wearing masks, but I'm with you on the CO2 argument. Granted I get winded easier wearing a mask, but that's not because of excess CO2 build up behind it. It just takes more energy to get air through the mask when breathing in.
I agree....current laws should be enforced. I really do like my mandatory 30 year law suggestion.....but it would need to be enforced and we would need to build more/bigger prisons. Capacities should be limited but......it's a penis ego thing for many.....the larger......the better. I need on shot to bring down an elk or an intruder.....but......that's me.
Magazine capacity doesn't have the effect you want to try and make people think. The Columbine shooting was done using a gun that only had a 10 round magazine. They didn't make larger magazines for that gun. Your mag capacity limit wouldn't have stopped that shooting, and most others that have happened in current years.
True. Many of these mass shooters are carrying multiple guns too. So if one runs dry due to a capacity limit, they'd just switch to the next one.
You're actually making my point against magazine capacity there. Limiting magazine capacity reduces your ability to defend yourself from someone intent on doing harm. A law saying you can't have more than 10 rounds isn't going to stop a murderer from carrying 20 rounds. So all it does is prevent the law abiding citizen from having equal capacity.

My point was that it only takes 1 bullet to kill someone. So limiting to 10 rounds isn't going to prevent murder, or even mass murder since they could kill 10 people with a legal magazine. I'm certainly not saying 1 round is sufficient. Quite the opposite actually. So yes, I want more than 10 rounds to defend against that full auto AK.

We agree on this too (unless that was a poorly articulated opposition). Your body, your choice. Wear a mask, don't wear a mask, I won't judge you so you shouldn't judge me. Do what's right for you. I don't think the government should be regulating masks or vaccines. If a parent wants their kid to wear a mask in school, so be it. If not, so what.

That said. I've heard the CO2 arguments, but it's always by the same people who say masks don't work. What they're saying is that 3 atoms (1 carbon 2 oxygen) can't get through the mask but an airborne virus can. Airborne. As in, it's transmitted through the air we breathe? That air is comprised of roughly 80% nitrogen and 20% oxygen. So the argument is that carbon/oxygen can't get through effectively but nitrogen/oxygen gets through so easily that it's pointless to wear a mask at all. These arguments contradict each other.
Either air can get in and transport the virus, or air can't get out causing a buildup of CO2. Masks aren't a 1 way valve.
Not saying they are one way devices. It's not that CO2 can't get through the mask, but not all of it will dissipate on exhale. So I breath some of it back in, and never actually catch a full breath. Also the mask impedes the air I want to breathe. May not affect others like it affects me. My favorite mask is my neck gator. I can breathe through it fairly well, but you can also see through it. So I normally wear that one when I have to "comply".

Also, you arent supposed to wear the same mask all day. It should be changed every hour or two to prevent bacteria buildup.
Do us all a favor.....turn off Fox News and refreash your mind.........liberal cities....murderers...de fund the police.......all Fox talking points........you sound like Marjorie Talor Greene.
Your reasoning for bans on standard capacity magazines was that you don't need them to hunt and I think you literally said that the deer aren't shooting back. Feels like I've heard both of those talking points somewhere before...
Not saying they are one way devices. It's not that CO2 can't get through the mask, but not all of it will dissipate on exhale. So I breath some of it back in, and never actually catch a full breath. Also the mask impedes the air I want to breathe. May not affect others like it affects me. My favorite mask is my neck gator. I can breathe through it fairly well, but you can also see through it. So I normally wear that one when I have to "comply".

Also, you arent supposed to wear the same mask all day. It should be changed every hour or two to prevent bacteria buildup.
The neck gaiters are actually banned in a lot of places because they were actually shown to increase the transmission of Covid by breaking up the droplets into smaller sizes that stay suspended in the air longer.
Not saying they are one way devices. It's not that CO2 can't get through the mask, but not all of it will dissipate on exhale. So I breath some of it back in, and never actually catch a full breath. Also the mask impedes the air I want to breathe. ...
And that's a fair argument. However, if that's the case, I would contend that they are at least somewhat effect at preventing transmission of covid. If they are restricting air flow from getting out it restricts air/virus from getting in.
As I mentioned a while ago, if it's only a 1% gain, that's enough for me who is compromised. For a healthy person, maybe not so much. For them, maybe don't bother with a mask.
Do you own a machine gun? Are you wearing your NRA t shirt?

Do you lick windows?
Are you wearing your Ukraine Nazi paraphernalia?

See, I can do it too. SMDH.
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