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Freedom Convoy

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Well....once again you are clearly wrong.....read the following......look at the AR and high capcacity stats.....more people killed but you just keep believing your make believe stories.

Oh, another link to a liberal website. Is that all you can post for "facts" to support your opinion? Any webstie that uses "assault weapon" to describe rifles loses all credibility. A knife can be an assault weapon. A baseball bat can be an assault weapon.
Of course that's a factor, just like culture, social issues, etc are factors.

The point is, if your idiotic ideas for gun control worked, we should expect to see the opposite.

Yep NH is a small town in Calif. with easier to manage problems......funny how that works
Yep NH is a small town in Calif. with easier to manage problems......funny how that works
Over a million people with free access to all the 30 round magazines they want, and not one mass shooting.


Almost like it's not magazine capacity that's the problem...
By the way, this is like the third racist thing you've said in this thread. I think you need to cool it with that kind of talk.

Sorry you are offended.......race issues are difficult for some to admit and discuss.
New Hampshire has the lowest homicide rate in the country.

Nice try.

And an F from Gifford's is an absolute win for New Hampshire. They have the least gun control and the lowest homicide rate. This isn't going well for you.

Well heck......I guess this one is wrong as well......Mass. seems to be best and NH is worse than Calif.......I bet it's a people thing.

Not to mention I only need 1 round to do the job, so limiting to any number is pointless.
I call total BS on the one round statement if you refer to self defense. People in stressful situations miss, even the ones that claim they never do. This would be a life ending mistake for most.

It kind of goes with the "why didn't they just shoot him in the hand to disarm him?" comment.
Well heck......I guess this one is wrong as well......Mass. seems to be best and NH is worse than Calif.......I bet it's a people thing.

Total firearm deaths 2016: 132 (suicides: 123, homicides: N/A)
Violent crime rate: 197.6 per 100,000 (3rd lowest)

Yep, New Hampshire is really bad if you are considering suicide, but not if you are afraid of someone else shooting you
Well heck......I guess this one is wrong as well......Mass. seems to be best and NH is worse than Calif.......I bet it's a people thing.

We're talking about firearms homicide rates. Don't try moving the goalposts.

You know you're doing something right when the number of firearms homicides for your state is listed as "N/A" in an anti-gun hit piece.
If we enforced the laws we have now, and felons and mental illnesses were reported the way they are supposed to, that would solve a lot of problems. There doesn't need to be more laws. No reason to restrict mag capacity, it just makes people think they are making a difference. Anyone with AR platform can swap 10 round magazines just as quickly as 30 round magazines making mag size a mute point. And unless there is someone shooting back at them, they could be swapping 5 round mags all day without issue.
Yes, banning 30 round magazines is the answer to all liberal dreams. After all it just saves lives. Think how many could have been saved and how quickly the shooter could have been stopped at the Parkland school shooting if only 30 round magazines were banned. Think if he could have had no more than 10 round magazines, none of this..... oh.... wait..... what's that?...... The shooter did only have 10 round magazines?..... No one stopped him? What happened?

Yes laws against guns are pointless. Bad guys still have them. No? Like the laws against fentanyl on the street work so well that criminals don't have any.
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