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Freedom Convoy

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Poor example.....we have many feel good numbers.....heck.....if I leave my driveway......I am required to go 25....35....45 and 55 with two miles........these are all feel good numbers.......if they changed those to 100.....more people would suffer. Society has many rules....you probaly know that.
Wait, so you using a vehicle as a comparison is a good example but when someone else counters with equal comparison it's a poor example?
Didn't say my chances to die or be injured in a vehicle accident weren't more likely. But my chances of dying or being injured by another person which a gun are lower when I, myself, and armed. And the 2nd amendment is more about having weapons to defend against others. But if you are so restricted by the weapon you can own, than what the "others" can have, it's not equal playing feild. Criminals do not care about your gun laws, and you can't legislate guns away. Laws only keep honest people honest. The harder you make it for law abiding citizens to get weapons, the easier of a target they are to those who don't follow the laws.

Well......we could legislate better rules.....we won't but we could. I hear your cocerns about the bad guys.......how about this......we pass a law that says.....anyone found guilty of using a firearm during a crime goes to jail for 30 years....no exceptions.....and we enforce it........or.....at the very least we cut off their fingers so they can't pull the trigger. If we did that.....and truly had no exceptions.......that would legislate citizen safety. If we added......lets say........at the same time.....a mag capacity law........making it illegal to own certain firearms.....that too could enhance citizen safety. I would still be able to own all my firearms.......hunt and protect my family wouldn't I? The founding fathers would be happy.......they'd be dancing a jig with their slaves.....life would be good.
Wait, so you using a vehicle as a comparison is a good example but when someone else counters with equal comparison it's a poor example?

Not at all.......just responding to the poor comparison.....but you knew that.
We don't have a gun problem, we have a criminal problem.

Since you're apparently misunderstanding the intent of the Bill of Rights, specifically the 2A....
The BoR is a list issued to the gov, by We the People, of items that are off limits.

"Shall not be infringed" couldn't be any plainer.

Lose the 2nd and I guarantee the others will disappear.

Do you own a machine gun? Are you wearing your NRA t shirt?
If we added......lets say........at the same time.....a mag capacity law........making it illegal to own certain firearms.....that too could enhance citizen safety. I would still be able to own all my firearms.......hunt and protect my family wouldn't I?
You can own that Ram, but you're only allowed to put 1 gallon of gas in it. You still have your Ram and you can still tow and haul with it, but we're keeping the hippies happy.

Sound good?
Lets be realistic.......people can worry about many things that will never happen. You take a much greater risk driving that Ram down the highway than being attacked by a criminal.......unless you are picking up hookers in your Ram.....in that case.....I recommend you be careful......I do like the color of your Ram....same as mine......I look really good in it!
I think Delmonico Red is the best color! If you find hookers let me know where. I've been searching....... :LOL:
I'm also required to carry my firearm concealed if I leave my property, I'm not allowed to use it in public except under extreme circumstances, and I get a little more than a speeding ticket if I don't follow the law.

Inconvenient, I know, but it's a losing point for you. Move away from comparing guns and vehicles. You're welcome.

Not inconvienient at all.....well.......it is for the the folks who refuse to admit we have a problem........for some.....guns are like a penis......holding on to them makes them feel manly.......in control.......they're fun in the snow.
The slave blame game is misdirected and worn out like the period key you are mashing. America didn't invent slavery, it ended slavery

You're right.....America didn't invent slavery......but it was built on it and the affect are still here. Oh boy....here we go.!
Not inconvienient at all.....well.......it is for the the folks who refuse to admit we have a problem........for some.....guns are like a penis......holding on to them makes them feel manly.......in control.......they're fun in the snow.
I've never said that we don't have a problem. I'm simply intelligent enough to understand the root causes of the problem, rather than scapegoat something as idiotic as arbitrary magazine capacities.
You're right.....America didn't invent slavery......but it was built on it and the affect are still here. Oh boy....here we go.!
What affects? We are all equal in the eyes of God. All brothers and sisters. I love each and every one.
Well......we could legislate better rules.....we won't but we could. I hear your cocerns about the bad guys.......how about this......we pass a law that says.....anyone found guilty of using a firearm during a crime goes to jail for 30 years....no exceptions.....and we enforce it........or.....at the very least we cut off their fingers so they can't pull the trigger. If we did that.....and truly had no exceptions.......that would legislate citizen safety. If we added......lets say........at the same time.....a mag capacity law........making it illegal to own certain firearms.....that too could enhance citizen safety. I would still be able to own all my firearms.......hunt and protect my family wouldn't I? The founding fathers would be happy.......they'd be dancing a jig with their slaves.....life would be good.
If we enforced the laws we have now, and felons and mental illnesses were reported the way they are supposed to, that would solve a lot of problems. There doesn't need to be more laws. No reason to restrict mag capacity, it just makes people think they are making a difference. Anyone with AR platform can swap 10 round magazines just as quickly as 30 round magazines making mag size a mute point. And unless there is someone shooting back at them, they could be swapping 5 round mags all day without issue.
I've never said that we don't have a problem. I'm simply intelligent enough to understand the root causes of the problem, rather than scapegoat something as idiotic as arbitrary magazine capacities.

I think we both have some intelligence.......we just see things differently..
What affects? We are all equal in the eyes of God. All brothers and sisters. I love each and every one.

What god? I think god is a black female. I don't love all the brothers and sisters....most of them but not all.......I got this wierd cousin.......a real wack job.
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