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Conspiracies - theory or fact?

Gee wiz! You don't hear anything about this investigation from the main stream propagandist media
He didn't really say much. Can't wait for the final report.
Obviously he didn't say much but my point was, you don't even hear a peep about this investigation into the bidens corruption. Trump farts and it's world news lol
True story
just had a random shower thought:
you know they always say we defeat communism because USSR is no more?
But did we actually defeat communism? Or, perhaps communists abandoned USSR and let it go down because the Soviets were losing grip, and the communists came over to the US and try to defeat freedom from within, as seen in events that happen all these years?
Sure hope this "anonymous IRS whisteblower" has some real meat to his story. Pathetic this goes on and on wo any real indictments.

If that pos Garland is the one lying, dont know yet, he and the libs will do everything they can to attack this whistler.
Sure hope this "anonymous IRS whisteblower" has some real meat to his story. Pathetic this goes on and on wo any real indictments.

If that pos Garland is the one lying, dont know yet, he and the libs will do everything they can to attack this whistler.
I’m sure they all lied and have plans, people in place to make sure they will not have any consequences.

I really hope something happens to them tho. Bunch of crooks
i think this falls under "conspiracies" category.
the other day my friend and I were having a discussion on why people want to move out of commiefailnia, and one reason for gearheads like me is the smog/ registration/ gas tax/ CA's push to ban anything that has any emission. His stance is if there's a way that he can pay to get his tags he's fine and he doesn't understand why would anyone want to move to "a ****tier state with ****tier food and ****tier weather" (granted, Asian food in southern commiefailnia is where it's at)

To drive my point, I showed him that commiefailnia banned commercial diesel trucks that are not "modern" (i forgot exactly which manufacture year and prior) by straight up refusing registration. Therefore, lots of perfectly fine diesel trucks (pickups, box trucks, semis (if i remember correctly) cannot be registered in CA and business owners are forced to get newer vehicles. In addition, newscum also signed another bill that outlaws gas powered offroad vehicles 100% by 2035, which means no more gas powered side-by-sides, dirt bikes, quads, etc. Although some say it only applies to offroad heavy equipments, but I wouldn't know.

I told him it's never about emission, but government control. He then said gearheads with classics and other cars are quite a big population and the state gov would never do that.
I laughed.
I told him they will never straight up ban it; they will just make registration process even more difficult and you'll have to pay more and more each year to get tags. Even then, they'll even impose mileage restriction for "classics" when the time comes. And if they did it to tax-paying businesses (that pay a lot of taxes) what makes you think they'd give a damn about us regular folks? They can always enact some laws first and worry about its implication later and let us regular folks wait and spend years fighting it in court.
Just like what they did with ammo restriction, mag capacity restriction, assault weapon ban, "list of firearms banned by name," and handgun roster. The democrats just pass those laws, sign them into laws, and let the regular folks spend years fighting them. And when the court strikes them down, they apply for emergency stay and nothing changes.

I concluded with: while you may be satisfied that you can get away with it temporarily and perhaps good weather and good food are your priority, i am looking at 10 steps ahead. I rather be gone and enjoy my life elsewhere than getting caught with my pants down when they go full scale infringement on our individual liberty, because i have no trust in this democrat controlled state government at all. If nothing happens then we can all laugh at my paranoia, but just know that the "conspiracist" had been right all these years.
i think this falls under "conspiracies" category.
the other day my friend and I were having a discussion on why people want to move out of commiefailnia, and one reason for gearheads like me is the smog/ registration/ gas tax/ CA's push to ban anything that has any emission. His stance is if there's a way that he can pay to get his tags he's fine and he doesn't understand why would anyone want to move to "a ****tier state with ****tier food and ****tier weather" (granted, Asian food in southern commiefailnia is where it's at)

To drive my point, I showed him that commiefailnia banned commercial diesel trucks that are not "modern" (i forgot exactly which manufacture year and prior) by straight up refusing registration. Therefore, lots of perfectly fine diesel trucks (pickups, box trucks, semis (if i remember correctly) cannot be registered in CA and business owners are forced to get newer vehicles. In addition, newscum also signed another bill that outlaws gas powered offroad vehicles 100% by 2035, which means no more gas powered side-by-sides, dirt bikes, quads, etc. Although some say it only applies to offroad heavy equipments, but I wouldn't know.

I told him it's never about emission, but government control. He then said gearheads with classics and other cars are quite a big population and the state gov would never do that.
I laughed.
I told him they will never straight up ban it; they will just make registration process even more difficult and you'll have to pay more and more each year to get tags. Even then, they'll even impose mileage restriction for "classics" when the time comes. And if they did it to tax-paying businesses (that pay a lot of taxes) what makes you think they'd give a damn about us regular folks? They can always enact some laws first and worry about its implication later and let us regular folks wait and spend years fighting it in court.
Just like what they did with ammo restriction, mag capacity restriction, assault weapon ban, "list of firearms banned by name," and handgun roster. The democrats just pass those laws, sign them into laws, and let the regular folks spend years fighting them. And when the court strikes them down, they apply for emergency stay and nothing changes.

I concluded with: while you may be satisfied that you can get away with it temporarily and perhaps good weather and good food are your priority, i am looking at 10 steps ahead. I rather be gone and enjoy my life elsewhere than getting caught with my pants down when they go full scale infringement on our individual liberty, because i have no trust in this democrat controlled state government at all. If nothing happens then we can all laugh at my paranoia, but just know that the "conspiracist" had been right all these years.
I guess they will never mine the EV materials in California since it takes a butt load of diesel to do this.

All these idiotic rules are going to kill Motorsports too

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