My comment above is very valid and I agree with
@Idahoktm that all factors must be taken into account. We all buy tires for different reasons, my point was that you should never buy a tire solely based on looks without taking into account the more critical factors and performance like wet & dry traction, noise, etc. I bought my Michelins for a specific reason...I don't go off road and wanted a quiet highway tire that had the best specs for wet conditions based on all of the rain we get here in Florida. Do they look boring? They look like any other highway tire or what came on it OEM. However, I will not compromise my safety, or that of my family, because another tire looks "cool" and aggressive

Most of the more aggressive tires designed for AT or OFF-ROAD use have horrendous wet traction which is why I went in a totally different direction with my purchase. That's all I'm sayin. Not a hater at all of an aggressive looking tire and wish I could find one I felt confident with.