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8.4" to 12.1" screen replacement

Yeah....I’ve busted my AZZ for nothing then

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Got it from a good seller though, as he is working with me to resolve this mess and was also trying to help me get it working so I don’t blame him at all.

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The module I currently have installed I was told was part number 68429170AD.

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AI is the 12”

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Negative. It’s the same part number. The last letter is just a manufacturer revision.
The module I currently have installed I was told was part number 68429170AD.

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It seemed that you were referring to the two eBay listings posted above when you said “AI is the 12””. One of the listings is for part number 68307655AI, and the other listing is for 68307655AG. I just want to make absolutely clear, so no one coming across these posts gets confused and buys the wrong part- both of those part numbers are for the 8.4” with nav. The part numbers are the same, and the last letter in the part number is a revision.
Lucky :-/ happy it works for you though man!

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Soooooo, for those of you that have been following my 37 page’s of issues I have been having to get this 12” screen working in my Laramie coming from NON-NAV to the 12”. I sent everything back to the seller @Ram41313 and he ended up testing it in his own personal truck to attempt to help me out. Everything ended up working for him so he sent it back to me and I FINALLY got everything working. Huge shoutout to @Jimmy07 for his patience and help through this every step of the way! I put everything back and and I was having the same issue with the screen not coming back on. (Black screen of death), @Jimmy07 recommended I change everything back to stock stock settings with the android version of ALFAOBD, pull the fuse and try settings with windows version with the Pacifica BCM settings. So I did that, pulled the fuse again for 30 sec put it back in, locked the truck and waiting 10 minutes and everything is now working finally! So the ALFAOBD seems to be what the issue was. Jimmy also was nice enough to make me and send me the plug and another LCVS cable. Thanks a lot to everyone for your help. If you plan on doing this upgrade, use the Windows version of ALFA for the time being. :-)

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Wow glad it worked for you on windows version! I am very happy that mine worked for android, so I’m not sure what the issue was still. Why would it work for some on android and others on windows platform?

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