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  1. 5

    ABS and TC lights

    Yes, they reprogrammed the abs module and all good.
  2. 5

    Typical Stellantis…

    Ram use to offer more for less, not anymore with all the price increases. That along with no V8 and its no surprise sales are way down. The electric trucks are delayed because they know there is no way to make money from them.
  3. 5

    Both manifolds cracked, dealer has no date when they will come in.

    Just did my right side, no problem getting the mopar kit.
  4. 5

    Exhaust leak

    Had this happen on mine, need new bolts and probably the gasket.
  5. 5

    Rodent Eating 2022 Bighorn Coolant Line..

    Honda sells rodent tape
  6. 5

    Resetting Dash Warnings After Battery Drain

    After my battery died, i replaced it but was still having issues that centered around the ABS module. I had to bring it to the dealer to get the ABS reset.
  7. 5

    Hemi tick?

    I just had this happen to me yesterday for the first time at 60,000 miles. It lasted few seconds and occured after a previous short run. Did you find what was causing this?
  8. 5

    ABS and TC lights

    I decided to put a new battery in, went with the H8 AGM Everstart. This resolved 4 codes but i still had the ABS, parktonic and ACC codes. Its at the dealer now, hopefully it just needs the ABS module flashed.
  9. 5

    ABS and TC lights

    Just along the top
  10. 5

    ABS and TC lights

    I had my windows tinted and in the process the battery ran low. The tint guys jumped it and i have had no starting problems since but the ABS and traction control lights along with other related items have stayed on. I have tried to reset everything by disconnecting the battery for an hour but...
  11. 5

    Water leak from rear window.

    My guess is if you drive with the rear window open and encounter a transition that produces a twisting force on the cab then the plastic frame breaks at the weakest point, right above the corner of the opening. If the window is closed it reinforces the frame.
  12. 5

    retractable Air dam

    I thought ram extended the warranty on the air dam..I recieved a letter but don't remember exactly what it said..
  13. 5

    Mopar total clean

    I use a damp microfiber once in a while. 4 years, 50k miles, still looks like new.
  14. 5

    My RAM saved me in a freeway crash

    I turned off the auto braking after the truck hit the brakes a few time for no reason. Luckily there was no one close behind. I do have the warning still active; BRAKE.
  15. 5

    Should I have gone with the 12" screen?

    Get it, you wont regret it. TVs, monitors or screen in cars, I have never heard anyone say i should have gotten the smaller one.. Also, with the size of the dash in the ram, the 12" looks proportional. The 8" will look more and more dated as screens get larger every year. So if resale is a...
  16. 5

    87 Octane

    I use both but notice the transition from v4 to v8 is smoother when running 89
  17. 5

    Lease is ending... ? about warranty

    Something i just found out, with a lease thru Chrysler capital only the lease holder can buy it out in the last 60 or 90 days.
  18. 5

    2019 Laramie leather seat cracking and peeling issue

    There are a bunch of threads that discuss the make up of the "leather" in these trucks if you do a search.
  19. 5

    2019 Laramie leather seat cracking and peeling issue

    The only care these seats require is a wipe down with a damp cloth per the owner manuals. The leatherish material used in these trucks is painted and clear coated. Any leather products have the potential to ruin the finish on the seats.
  20. 5

    89 octane recommend, does it really make a difference?

    I have not noticed any difference in gas mileage between 87 and 89, i do feel that the engine transitions from V4 to V8 mode smoother with 89.