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retractable Air dam


New Member
Nov 9, 2022
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I have a 2019 ram 1500 with the retractable air dam and it has failed and is throwing a code. I tried to just unplug it but it threw more codes because the system saw it wasn't there. Is there a bypass solution to delete the air dam entirely? I cant afford to spend 400 on a replacement.
A lot of people disassemble it and tie up the motor somewhere hidden, so the motor can still operate and not through codes.
A lot of people disassemble it and tie up the motor somewhere hidden, so the motor can still operate and not through codes.
In this case, it sounds like the actuator itself has failed, so that may not be very helpful. From what I've read on this forum, some of them get water inside and corrode and short out. Maybe not sealed up well enough for the environment it has to work in. AFAIK no one has reverse-engineered it to build a "bypass" dongle.

I'm guessing the warranty has expired, so what can you do?
If it doesn't affect the way the truck drives, you can put up with the error codes.
Or you can pay whatever it costs to replace it.
Or maybe one or more of the "tuners" will let you delete that option - someone else will have to chime in on that, as I am not that familiar with them.
Or with the right tools, if the damage is not too bad, it *might* be possible to clean and repair the failed actuator - are you good friends with an electronics wizard?
Lots of these options cost money, unfortunately.
If you're not under warranty, just disconnect it and have autozone clear the code. It doesn't help enough to fix it.
I thought ram extended the warranty on the air dam..I recieved a letter but don't remember exactly what it said..
I thought ram extended the warranty on the air dam..I recieved a letter but don't remember exactly what it said..
That is true. I forgot about that. There's a thread about it somewhere.

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