35 Pages of almost 95% politics. The two party system is a sham designed to keep the public divided and it's working like a charm. I would be in the same boat if it weren't for that fateful day I was trying to disprove the Q BS on Telegram [I was able to discredit it btw, but more about that later].
Been a tourguide for multiple rabbitholes for the last three years and stopped participating in the political sham over 2 3/4 years ago.
Want some real meat for this thread??? Try these 7 on for size....
* We do not live on a spinning ball in "space" [and yes, I have access to many proofs I have been saving for the last three years].
* "Space" as we know of it does not exist, so "aliens" are also a lie. The big push for stories about UFOs lately is prep for a fake alien event coming soon.
* All politicians are playing a part for the masses and in reality, all are working towards the same goal [almost all are WEF members, get money from Soros, etc].
* DJT is not who he says he is and will be ushering in the great reset under another guise after he replaces the actor playing Joe [yep, that's not really Biden].
* Almost all who have a large platform [Rogan, Hannity, Carlson and innumerable others] are what is known as controlled opposition [they are all still alive aren't they?].
* The Q posts are almost 100% BS and it's almost a carbon copy of Operation Trust in Bolshevik Russia. They do have a few truths peppered in with the crap, but not much.
* There is no real operation to remove all the A-holes from anywhere although they may be gearing up to fake it for the masses who buy into the idea.
Those with an open mind who would like to see the proofs of the first two in the list first hand, I have hundreds of them saved on private Telegram channels and will be happy to share a few here and/or on Telegram. Knowing the world's biggest lie is essential in understanding all the rest of the 'Conspiracy theories" and how they tie together.