Desert Dawg
Well-Known Member
I like how your photo sequence tells the story.
My chainsaw has a shorter bar for around the house cuts, but I've taken down a few trees before. Nothing of the diameter you cut there. My question is, how do you keep the chain sharp? With as many cuts as it took to fill the bed of your truck, my chain would've been DULL!
Thanks. The story continues in my build thread as it leads up to some of the limitations I found about my current suspension system. So it's the Neverending
I actually used the same chain from my previous wood cutting trip (but only cut about half as much wood) and was getting pretty dull by the end of this trip as I was also cutting wood for my friend's truck load as well. I was pretty happy with it and the 20-inch bar sure helps (my other chainsaw is 14" so no way I could have cut through some the larger diameter logs). Now I have to split it all.