Spends too much time on here
I saved this to try next time. How do you like this method of paint correction vs clay bar? Clay bar works but a bit of a pain - I just did my wife’s black 2020 Durango yesterday & looking to ceramic coat today.
That’s a helluva price deal for that system! I’d take one of those too at that price. Heck, even 400 isn’t too bad compared to some of the other systems I’ve seen.
I clayed it too but I used a Nano Skin fine pad instead of the clay bar. The clay bars are a PITA to me and were inconsistent/streaky. I've been using these for the last 5 years and they are much easier to use

I have a medium and a fine clay pads but since my truck has full PPF on the front, I used the fine grade per LLumar's recommendation.
Clay barring alone doesn't remove swirls in paint but it cleans the paint so its glass smooth. As to how I like this method I do the same thing for paint correction every time: pads, polisher and compound so this isn't a new or different way for me.