This was pretty obvious in one of the videos I watched last night trying to figure out what happened and raised questions why the SS didn't intervene onstage sooner...
"According to some video and media reports, the Secret Service counter-sniper on a nearby rooftop was aiming at the shooter, perhaps before he took some or all of his shots.
“The counter sniper appears to be looking through his scope as if he's scanning for something. … And then, when the shots are fired, takes out the shooter from his position almost immediately,” said Miller, the NYPD’s deputy commissioner of Intelligence & Counterterrorism until 2022. “So we have to fill in those gaps. What happened during those seconds? What were the communications? What did he see through the scope, and did he act at his first opportunity? And we'll learn that later.”
A former Secret Service director tells USA TODAY that protection for Trump should have extended to 1,000 yards. Alleged shooter fired from 150 yards.