Old thread but more food for thought for those considering spending their money on a Cold Air Intake or even a performance air filter.
Your current intake draws air from in front of the radiator along the right lower side of the radiator. Many aftermarket cold air intakes, like Mopar and Vararam draw air from in front of the radiator above the radiator. The air at the top of the radiator is 10-100 degrees hotter than the bottom of the radiator so you are probably getting warmer air into the intake if drawing it above the radiator than you are with the factory setup. Mopar-maxi's setup with the filter completely in front of the radiator behind the grill is probably drawing colder air that most manufactured CAI's.
The only real change you are getting is a high airflow filter that very likely provides no added benefit whatsoever, but filters less dirt. The guy in the video below tested several performance filters to each other and his factory filter and found no difference in HP or Torque. He even noticed no real change in performance tests between a dirty filter and a new one; reasoning that factory design allowed for much more airflow that a factory tuned engine would ever attempt to draw.