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Texas shooting

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That you, Beto?

What you really mean to say is you want them to be reactionary and emotional like you are. You want them to implement things that will make you feel good, rather than things that will actually work.

That you Cancun Cruz?

What you really mean to say is that you want to ignore the problem...do nothing....be ignorant and pretend the country doesn't have a gun problem. Thoughts and prayers.
That you Cancun Cruz?

What you really mean to say is that you want to ignore the problem...do nothing....be ignorant and pretend the country doesn't have a gun problem. Thoughts and prayers.
There isn't a gun problem. Blaming guns is ignoring the real issue and just makes you feel good thinking you are making a difference
That you Cancun Cruz?

What you really mean to say is that you want to ignore the problem...do nothing....be ignorant and pretend the country doesn't have a gun problem. Thoughts and prayers.
I've proposed several solutions that address the problem. I know that bothers you because you're not actually interested in solutions. If we tried it my way and it worked (it would), you people would have to admit you've been full of **** for decades, and that you actively participated in perpetuating the problem.
That you Cancun Cruz?

What you really mean to say is that you want to ignore the problem...do nothing....be ignorant and pretend the country doesn't have a gun problem. Thoughts and prayers.
Guns don’t shoot themselves. Just like cars don’t drive themselves into a crowd of people like your buddy Darrel Brookes did. Quit blaming inanimate objects for the actions of psychopaths. You can pass all the laws you want, but criminals don’t obey laws. So what are you accomplishing?
Are you kidding me? Thought I seen it all but guess not.😖

A gun hating liberal who drives a gas guzzling Hemi with 3.92’s. Brandon would be proud……..NOT.

Blaming guns is like blaming spoons for making people fat. I have a whole gun safe full of well behaved guns that never wanted to commit a crime. I get a kick out of people who think banning guns will create a complete crime free country and then we’ll all live in peace and harmony forever. This problem is WAY deeper than guns. It’s time to get to the root of the problem instead of just pushing political agenda’s.
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People have been murdering each other since we first learned a rock is harder than a human skull. And here comes Jerry B, thinking that if we just get rid of those darn high capacity assault clips and weapons of mass destruction with their mean looking pistol grips and flash suppressors, we'll all just get along great.
There isn't a gun problem. Blaming guns is ignoring the real issue and just makes you feel good thinking you are making a difference
Are you thinking this coward of a kid would have done this without a firearm
People have been murdering each other since we first learned a stick is harder than a human skull. And here comes Jerry B, thinking that if we just get rid of those darn high capacity assault black granite rockpiles and boulders of mass destruction with their mean looking quartz crystals and sharp edges, we'll all just get along great.

Can we just ban murder? I mean it should fix everything if we just make a law against randomly killing people. What kind of society do we live in anyway where you are free to just walk into a school and start killing people? That is just crazy.

It's is apparent that our leaders cannot solve this issue....for that matter.....they cannot solve any issue. How about this......lets make it mandatory that after any mass shooting.....the full congress (House and Senate) be required to attend a meeting where they will be shown the actual crime scene photos. If this were required.....maybe our representatives and senators would better understand the impact of their future votes or when they take money from the NRA or gun lobby. Seeing a picture of a 2nd grader with his face blown off or a 3rd graders brain splatterd against a classroom wall might make these folks think differently as they vote on issues or are wined and dined by the gun lobbies. Thoughts and prayers.

That's a wonderful idea. Of course they should have a priority list. We can work on death down to rounding off sharp corners and padding hard objects.

We have a full meeting of congress to see videos of any death that involves a crime.

Start with drunk driving deaths. They can just stay there watching death after death non stop until they outlaw cars and intoxicants of any sort (read the warnings on the meds, those would need to go too).
Every day, about 32 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes — that's one person every 45 minutes.

We could move on to death by hands and feet. That was over 400 in 2020. They could close down all martial arts gyms and require the wearing of giant padded gloves and boots at all times in public. Hands or feet chopped off if violated.

Just keep going down the ridiculous path of herd emotion.
JB, have you ever read books by Larry Niven? I thought Pierson's Puppeteers were fictional.
Are you thinking this coward of a kid would have done this without a firearm
If he was dead set on causing harm to others he would have found a way. 2001, terrorists used airplanes. 1995 a sick individual used fertilizer and deisel fuel. No guns involved in either one of those incidents, and far more lives lost.
If he was dead set on causing harm to others he would have found a way. 2001, terrorists used airplanes. 1995 a sick individual used fertilizer and deisel fuel. No guns involved in either one of those incidents, and far more lives lost.
I didn’t see pressure cookers get banned after the Boston marathon attack either.
That you Cancun Cruz?

What you really mean to say is that you want to ignore the problem...do nothing....be ignorant and pretend the country doesn't have a gun problem. Thoughts and prayers.
You and your kind are the problem, do nothing feel good bull crap artists.
. Would the jews have rolled over so easy if they had been armed?

That's the problem with free society, it's dangerous.
Warsaw Ghetto Uprising saw a ragtag group of Jews give the Nazi's the middle finger for a while. Had Germans not been disarmed in '38, things would have been much different.

An armed society is a polite society.

I didn’t see pressure cookers get banned after the Boston marathon attack either.

I seem to recall there was some talk about banning them....
I've proposed several solutions that address the problem. I know that bothers you because you're not actually interested in solutions. If we tried it my way and it worked (it would), you people would have to admit you've been full of **** for decades, and that you actively participated in perpetuating the problem.
Here we go again.......thoughts and prayers to your solutions.
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