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Texas shooting

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Lol. I hear you. Sometimes stupidity does get my panties bunched up
But all seriousness. All of us can have someone vouch for us. Weather it be co-workers. Employers. Other law abiding citizens. Friends. Family. From what I’m gathering ct. and Texas these guys had absolutely zero friends. They would have had nobody to vouch for them. The kid in connecticut is as givin his gun by his mother. Didn’t even buy it himself. But ultimately you are right. There is no logical way to stop this from happening. Maybe teachers should be trained with firearms and wear them just for such emergencies. Bottom line is parents need to be able to send their kids to school
But all seriousness. All of us can have someone vouch for us. Weather it be co-workers. Employers. Other law abiding citizens. Friends. Family. From what I’m gathering ct. and Texas these guys had absolutely zero friends. They would have had nobody to vouch for them. The kid in connecticut is as givin his gun by his mother. Didn’t even buy it himself.
Yeah, we probably could, but having friends shouldn't be a prerequisite either. That's also before you go down the rabbit hole of crazy, jealous exes, current girlfriend/boyfriend/themfriend or whatever, or anti-gun psyches who abuse such a system.
But ultimately you are right. There is no logical way to stop this from happening. Maybe teachers should be trained with firearms and wear them just for such emergencies. Bottom line is parents need to be able to send their kids to school
But we can take steps to mitigate it. A comment was made earlier about boxcutters which was correct. To expand, how effective would that ban be if we just hoped crazies would follow the law? Not very. Now apply that to schools. We've said guns are banned, even for people we trust to protect our children. And we're just supposed to hope people listen?
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Now there's a better solution than some unidentified "credible" person deciding who gets to keep their rights.

Well, that's just it. These people attack schools, clubs, concerts, cities with lower rates of armed individuals, etc because they know they're less likely to meet resistance. They're cowards.

We need to stop giving them easy targets. Period. Let them try that **** against people who can fight back.

So far, you and Jerry B are the only ones doing this.
This. The criminals know there won’t be any resistance. They know the kids will shelter in place. Lock the schools down and arm the staff.
Then, you have to wonder who even decides who is credible enough to make that decision and who isn't.
The citizen as the constitution allows for. EZ answer there!

I'm honestly interested in what you think would work.
No. No you really are not. Trust me. You will hear more than you wish without asking. 😉

Nah. We should pass more laws to make it really illegal. That should do it.
Yep. Any Dem will tell you how good that works. It works great to keep heroin off the street. Plus a minor gun charge will certainly back down the guy that ignores the death penalty for murder.

Bro I’m a firm supporter of our 2nd amendment right to bear arms. Don’t take it so personal. This kid was obviously unstable. Guns are to hunt and to protect your homes and families.

You think this kid would have had one person to say he should be able to walk into a Walmart and buy a weapon?
Two points here.

The first part. You say guns are to hunt and protect your family. OK. They can certainly be used for that purpose. But constitutionally? Nothing is mentioned about hunting or protecting family.

Let's read it:
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Hmmm. Security of a free state. Yes, that could include family but it speaks of protecting the state. The states were meant to be protected from the central federal government. Protected by a militia of free people.
So we have guns to protect against our own government. Would the jews have rolled over so easy if they had been armed?

Second point, ok, the loon bought a gun and a rather paltry supply of ammo. Should the perfectly sane 18 year old not be allowed to? How do you know which is which? Can you tell the crazy person in the suit walking down the sidewalk from the sane guy that just finished an obstacle course and is disheveled looking?
If the drunk kills someone in his car should no one be allowed to drive?

That's the problem with free society, it's dangerous.
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Yeah, we probably could, but having friends shouldn't be a prerequisite either. That's also before you go down the rabbit hole of crazy, jealous exes, current girlfriend/boyfriend/themfriend or whatever, or anti-gun psyches who abuse such a system.

But we can take steps to mitigate it. A comment was made earlier about boxcutters which was correct. To expand, how effective would that ban be if we just hoped crazies would follow the law? Not very. Now apply that to schools. We've said guns are banned, even for people we trust to protect our children. And we're just supposed to hope people listen?
And what if we banned boxcutters all together, not just on planes? From now on you have to open boxes with elementary school scissors.
And what if we banned boxcutters all together, not just on planes? From now on you have to open boxes with elementary school scissors.
Ban high capacity boxcutter magazines! You don't need more than 10 blades to open a box and it's not like the box is wearing Kevlar! Probably need some nukes or F-15s to open those Amazon boxes anyway. Just show the box some scissors and they'll probably open themselves.

Speaking as an architect with K-12 design experience in Texas, schools today are typically designed with a “double gated” entry system that requires any visitors to get through multiple sets of locked doors - with reception (and staff) in between. This must’ve been an older building that was lacking such security measures.

Also, school districts in this area provide complimentary firearm training for teachers and staff. I’m not sure if this program is offered statewide or is heavily utilized.

Personally, I like the suggestion of volunteer security, although these would also need to be well-vetted individuals.

There are countries with much higher rates of gun ownership than the US that have virtually zero gun violence. We clearly have a problem. (Example: Switzerland gun laws: Why the country has fewer gun deaths than the US)
But all seriousness. All of us can have someone vouch for us. Weather it be co-workers. Employers. Other law abiding citizens. Friends. Family. From what I’m gathering ct. and Texas these guys had absolutely zero friends. They would have had nobody to vouch for them. The kid in connecticut is as givin his gun by his mother. Didn’t even buy it himself. But ultimately you are right. There is no logical way to stop this from happening. Maybe teachers should be trained with firearms and wear them just for such emergencies. Bottom line is parents need to be able to send their kids to school
Now your bordering on the edge of making red flag laws. All it takes is one "concerned citizen" or "friend" to make a claim that your are dangerous. And then what? Is there a process to filter out bogus comments? What if the bogus comments are the ones saying you should have a gun?
story is changing again. Parents are saying police were standing around outside the school waiting for a swat team. For about and hour. They allege that they were begging law enforcement to help but they wouldn’t go into the school while there was an active shooter. So the parents were jumping the fence to get their kids out

Hope this isn’t true. That would be pretty f’d up
story is changing again. Parents are saying police were standing around outside the school waiting for a swat team. For about and hour. They allege that they were begging law enforcement to help but they wouldn’t go into the school while there was an active shooter. So the parents were jumping the fence to get their kids out

Hope this isn’t true. That would be pretty f’d up
I thought there was video that confirmed this?
story is changing again. Parents are saying police were standing around outside the school waiting for a swat team. For about and hour. They allege that they were begging law enforcement to help but they wouldn’t go into the school while there was an active shooter. So the parents were jumping the fence to get their kids out

Hope this isn’t true. That would be pretty f’d up
Heard the same thing, but was also a medic on TV that said the LEO outside the school were there to maintain a perimeter and there were already law enforcement inside the school.
story is changing again. Parents are saying police were standing around outside the school waiting for a swat team. For about and hour. They allege that they were begging law enforcement to help but they wouldn’t go into the school while there was an active shooter. So the parents were jumping the fence to get their kids out

Hope this isn’t true. That would be pretty f’d up
I could understand them trying to keep parents out of harms way, but not going stop and active shooter is bs.
I'm honestly interested in what you think would work.

Thoughts and prayers is another way to say empathy and sympathy. It's the most any of us can do after this happens. And the most any of us can do before the next one.
It's is apparent that our leaders cannot solve this issue....for that matter.....they cannot solve any issue. How about this......lets make it mandatory that after any mass shooting.....the full congress (House and Senate) be required to attend a meeting where they will be shown the actual crime scene photos. If this were required.....maybe our representatives and senators would better understand the impact of their future votes or when they take money from the NRA or gun lobby. Seeing a picture of a 2nd grader with his face blown off or a 3rd graders brain splatterd against a classroom wall might make these folks think differently as they vote on issues or are wined and dined by the gun lobbies. Thoughts and prayers.
It's is apparent that our leaders cannot solve this issue....for that matter.....they cannot solve any issue. How about this......lets make it mandatory that after any mass shooting.....the full congress (House and Senate) be required to attend a meeting where they will be shown the actual crime scene photos. If this were required.....maybe our representatives and senators would better understand the impact of their future votes or when they take money from the NRA or gun lobby. Seeing a picture of a 2nd grader with his face blown off or a 3rd graders brain splatterd against a classroom wall might make these folks think differently as they vote on issues or are wined and dined by the gun lobbies. Thoughts and prayers.
That you, Beto?

What you really mean to say is you want them to be reactionary and emotional like you are. You want them to implement things that will make you feel good, rather than things that will actually work.
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