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Rear end clunk

I had my tranny flashed, a new valve body and now just had my transmission replaced at 29,000miles when I took it in for the same clunk in early March. Seemed to go away but now that the temps are in the high 60’s to low 70’s the clunk is back. 😡 I believe it is driveshaft related as well. April 2019 build date. 3.92‘s.
Oh man, that sucks! We're they saying it was a transmission issue or were they just throwing parts at it?
Oh man, that sucks! We're they saying it was a transmission issue or were they just throwing parts at it?
I'm going to try one more dealership and then go for a buy-back. I don't appreciate owning a lemon, or being a cash cow for the local dealerships.
Did they ever figure out the issue? I have had mine in the shop multiple times for same fix and they won't touch it unless it duplicates when they drive it. It's pissing me off!
I've had a clunk from the rear end since new, I finally did a video to see what was happening as mine also clunks on startup, turns out that the driveshaft is spinning on start causing a clunk. I also get a clunk in traffic with starting up or slowing down and sometimes at highway speed, further that I get a vibration and shudder when the torque converter unlocks at any speed.
Oh man, that sucks! We're they saying it was a transmission issue or were they just throwing parts at it?
same problem here, on my second transmission also, still no fix , the dealership has a ticket open with engineering since last September and I have a ticket open with Customer Care with no feedback.
I drove 600 miles this weekend and the truck is fine on the highway but the clunk is back for sure once on surface streets. I’m glad to hear about the driveline movement being verified by video. I’ll see if I can borrow a GoPro and do the same.
My truck sometimes makes a clunk at start too, like something is wrong with the TC. Are you thinking this is a possible calibration/software issue or driveshaft slop?
I've had a clunk from the rear end since new, I finally did a video to see what was happening as mine also clunks on startup, turns out that the driveshaft is spinning on start causing a clunk. I also get a clunk in traffic with starting up or slowing down and sometimes at highway speed, further that I get a vibration and shudder when the torque converter unlocks at any speed.
can you link us to the video?
Lack of grease in the rear area of this strange design of a drive shaft. You have to remove the rear end of drive shaft (4 bolts, 2 bolts holding a support bracket toward middle). Then the clamp closest to the rear of truck on dust cover has to be cut off (factory locked), then the rear of shaft slides out from the ridged area and I'm sure you will find lack of lubrication. Grease it up real good and slide it back in. Waalaaa, mine is smooth as butter now, no more of the "Ram clunk".

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Can you post a pic of the clamp that you replaced? I'm fixing to do this repair and I'm not sure if it is the one on the boot of the rear driveshaft or if there is one at carrier bearing in the middle.
I have a 2020 Ram 1500 with 13,500 miles and this is the exact problem Iam having. I’ve taken it to the dealership twice and they say they can’t replicate the issue. Then they asked me to drive with the service manager which I did and I got it to do the clunk. I waited for 3 weeks for them to get back with me and when they did they said it was a normal thing and that they won’t do anything about it. Iam so frustrated, spending 40k on a truck (I bought brand new back in May 2020) and this is a “normal” thing that the truck does??? I think not. Iam trying to escalate my issue to corporate.
Yep, 480 lbs/ft at 1,600 RPM. But, there's a difference between static load and shock load on a driveline, and my point was just to say that the EcoDiesel won't "clunk" like the Hemi because the Hemi's throttle response is snappy and instant, and I believe that snappy, quick power engagement is what causes the clunk when you get back on the throttle. The ED on the other hand takes 3-4 seconds to ramp up it's power when I lay on the throttle a bit, so there's time for the slack in the driveline splines to be taken up before the power really hits.

I was sort of joking, but serious at the same time. :)
Get a GDE or Sofa King engine tune and you can dramatically shorten that ramp up time... ;)
I have a 2000 Chevy that developed that clunk. Eventually they had to replace the "spider gears" in the rear end to fix it. Back then they said the root cause was putting the truck in park after backing up without coming to a complete and full stop.
Well, my truck has been at the dealer for a few days now for a new GPS/radio unit (a few weeks out on parts) and also the continued clunking in the driveline. At first the dealership couldn't replicate the issue and told me that is just typical driveline "snap". I drove it with the SA in the passenger seat and they now acknowledge the problem. When I am in drive but at a stop, and the air suspension drops from normal to entry level, the driveline pops/kicks hard about 3 times. They have now opened a case with RAM and they may send an engineer out to inspect the truck. :oops:
So the SA called and said that they put the truck on the alignment lift and cycled the truck suspension to isolate the clunking problem. It didn’t do the clunk in neutral or park but in drive only. Through that they are eliminating the driveshaft being the source of the sound. They did say that the entire drivetrain, engine to rear axle, moved/shifted when the clunk occurred as if all the motor mounts and transmission mounts were loose. They are perplexed and sent video back to corporate. 🤯
My 19 Rebel did that when accelerating and suddenly coming to a full stop, Under normal driving it doesn't happen.
Interesting topic, mine has not started doing this, but I did see a you tube video on a guy with this exact problem, it was for the one piece drive shaft only. The rear diff track rods wear in the bush, the part where the mounting bolt of the rod goes through is not round (it is a flat piece rolled kind of round) this makes the mounting bolt loose in the hole and will cause a noise. This guy replaced his with aftermarket track rods.
I’m convinced it’s driveline slop. Like your efforts show, when greased it’s fine. Mine is totally temp related which indicates clearances and lubrication issues in my opinion. A new drive shaft is about $700 from a wholesale mopar parts dealer. I wonder if anyone has tried a one piece custom unit.
Slop was my thought also. I've seen lots of Chevy's do this as well as Pontiac Firebird's I've owned all RWD. I always figred it was slop in the rear end gears. Seem to happen most when coasting then applying power. Gears will go from loaded in one direction to suddenly loaded in the opposite.

It's anoying but not really going to hurt anything.
I finally found time to get into this issue again and after reading posts about fords and gm having the same issue I pulled the trigger and ordered the Ford PFTE Teflon spline lube. Our shop manager used to work at a Ford dealer and said that after using that grease he never had customers return with the clunk issue.

My drive shaft splines were greased with red grease from the factory but very little of a film. I cleaned that off all surfaces and liberally applied about 2oz of a 3oz tube of Teflon grease. NO MORE BUMPS! I can come and go from a stop and even cycle my suspension up and down, and there is no noise or bump to be felt! Amazing. I wish the dealer would have solved this, but I am happy it only took a $12 tube of grease and two hose clamps for the boot.
My 2020 has the Rear Differential clunk also (5000 mi) . Dealer told me this is common in All Ram 1500 2019 and newer. Yes it is the rear differential having too much slack. He says they have put completely New differentials in 4 trucks and it still does it and the Factory knows about it and admits it is a problem but has NO fix for it….
My 2020 has the Rear Differential clunk also (5000 mi) . Dealer told me this is common in All Ram 1500 2019 and newer. Yes it is the rear differential having too much slack. He says they have put completely New differentials in 4 trucks and it still does it and the Factory knows about it and admits it is a problem but has NO fix for it….
My dealer tried to tell me this was normal as well. Normal doesn’t mean it’s acceptable.
I would try re-lubricating your driveshaft. 1-2 hrs and a cheap tube of Ford XG-8 Teflon grease is worth a shot. I ordered mine from the local Ford dealer and it was $12 or so.
IIRC it was torque the rear driveshaft bolts to 81ftlb and 42ftlb for the two carrier bearing hanger bolts. All 15mm socket.

This clunk drove me nuts and it spoiled the experience of an otherwise amazing pickup.
Hi @JMD227 - If you decide to address this with your dealer, please be sure to let us know via private message so that we may escalate a case on your behalf for further support!

Hey RamCares, would you also be able to help me out if my truck is lifted? I have this clunk/tick also but my truck is lifted with a 6” BDS kit and I was worried the dealership would claim this issue is due to the lift or bigger tires. 😕

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