Thanks for your feedbackNice chart, Thanks!! Some things to consider........
1. Doc fees and title fee are usually a set amount, not a percentage I believe. These are set by each dealer and the state where the vehicle will be titled in
2. Maybe add a line for destination charge as that is standard on all purchases and should be a part of Out The Door (OTD) price
3. Maybe consider breaking down what the actual dealer discount is on one line and then the total of incentives/ rebates on another line
Thank you for your time on this chart!

1. Because tax, fees, registration, and other doc fees are different for each state, I felt it was better to leave this as a percentage. For example, I live in California. I have always know that it is about 11-12% for all of this. The biggest being taxes and registration. We are taxed around 9%(depending on country) and registration is pretty high(usually more than $500 for trucks). Those two things alone bring the price up close to 10% and then add another 1-2% for everything else. I don't know what the taxes and fees are in other states.
2. Is the destination charge not taxed? I ask because this is part of the "Truck MSRP" line. It's on the window sticker so I thought it is part of the price? Should I add it after adjusting for MSRP minus the discount?
3. I can certainly add the incentives and rebates. Does anybody know if this is before or after tax? I think that's important to know.