Only $1000 rebate on Laramie in my area wether you lease or buy, I'm at $5,980 dealer discount off MSRP of $59,865, and then another $1,000 in rebate for a total of $6980 off MSRP. How does that sound? BTW I'm in Central CT, ****'s expensive up here.... lol
My dealer is claiming I lose $2000 in "coupons" if I don't do my deal today. That being said, I have them at $12,000 off MSRP plus TTL so they are being pretty aggressive I think.
@mtehonica looks like a great deal! I sent you a PM.
@riccnick I'm not familiar with CT, I'm in NC, but I think *perhaps* you can get a little more off of that price. Make sure you price out other dealerships within a reasonable driving distance.