I'm particularly confused on the seemingly variable abilities of Ram Chat personnel to provide info. Granted, it's a great resource, so I feel a little guilty in complaining, but - I seem to get inconsistent info from them and see others on here getting more detailed info. I've had some reps be able to tell me sales codes on my order and others tell me they can't, and I've had two of them now twice tell me that they will be able to tell me more info between KZ and KZ X, like when it leaves, where it stops - but most reps I chat with tell me they will not be able to tell anything about the truck until it gets to my dealer (not if it's left, where its at, etc). They say "KZ" is all they will see, and nothing more until it hits the dealer. I'm 190 miles away from the yard, so hoping it doesn't take long to get here, but I don't know if it's even left yet.