I paid less than $1000 for the extra coverage I bought. I am sure at some point, there will be a repair costing at least $1,000.
You can look at buying an ESP in 1,000 different ways, pro/cons, etc etc etc.
Its cheap insurance for the long run. Make as many arguments against an ESP as you wish.
I can't speak to everyone's specific situation of course, but overall, in addition to the risk, it's by far one of the most expensive insurance policies you can possibly buy. It's anything but cheap insurance. Please allow me to explain.
When you pay for auto insurance, it may cost you $1,000 or more per year, however that policy protects you against hundreds of thousands of dollars or more in losses. It will pay to replace your vehicle, the vehicle you hit, any structures that were damaged, as well as the medical expenses of everyone who may have been hurt. That can cost many hundreds of thousands of dollars or in some cases even more.
When you pay for health insurance, that policy provides protection for potential medical expenses again potentially costing hundreds of thousands or even more, over a million in some cases.
And again, the same is true for home insurance. If your home burns to the ground with everything in it, you're again paying a few thousand dollars in insurance to protect many hundreds of thousands or more.
You can't do without any of these policies. They all can save you from financial ruin. They can pay out well over 100 times to 1 than what you pay in.
Now, take a close look at a motor vehicle extended warranty policy. Depending on your specific policy and what it covers, you're paying several thousand dollars on average to protect you against only up to several thousand dollars at most, a payback ratio of 1 to 1, 2 to 1, 3 to 1, not much more. Compared to the protection provided by other policies, it doesn't even come close. Anyone would gladly pay $1,000 or more per year for a homeowner's policy that could protect them from potential financial ruin, but is it really worth it to spend several thousands of dollars to protect against a total potential expense of several thousands of dollars? Isn't that a risk most of us could afford? Does it even make sense to spend and risk several thousand dollars to protect the risk of only potentially paying several thousand dollars? Would you buy a lottery ticket that cost $2,500 with only a potential payout of say $4,000 when the odds of winning were considerably less than 50% of winning?
All insurance policies are a gamble in that you can and often do lose money on them, but those that save you from potential financial ruin are far and away a much better deal than those that only save you from merely a very annoying but affordable expense. Motor vehicle extended warranty policies are extremely costly for the meager financial protection they provide and they require almost as much financial loss to purchase as they protect against.
Again, I'm not telling anyone not to buy them nor would I ever cast any judgment on those who do. I too have purchased extended warranties before I reconsidered. If you're lucky (or some would say unlucky) they just might pay off. However, the profitable business of selling them unfortunately requires that the majority of people buying them
must pay more than they will ever receive back. If that wasn't enough, the protection that they provide is meager at best for what they cost.
Those are the facts everyone must know. If you chose to buy one, then do so with eyes wide open. It may work out, it may not, but at least you knew the risks and level of financial protection they offer going in and then made an informed decision based upon what you feel is best for your own circumstances. I just purchased a truck for over $60,000. Some would think me not too bright for doing so, but it's my money and I'm happy about it, and that's all that really matters. Buy whatever you want based on your own decisions.