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Mopar bed step.

Reordered from MoparAmerica and got a shipping confirmation with tracking this time. Not sure what warranted a "indefinite backorder - cancel everything" edict that only lasted a week, but at least it is on the way now.
Im fixing to order the step myself,can't believe on sure and expensive truck this wasn't included at least on the higher end trim pkgs...

Anyone found a better price on them yet?
As an alternative I will be trying out this little Carr step, a fold out step for the hitch receiver. Doesn’t help while the tailgate is down, but might be enough for me just for climbing up onto the bumper and over the tailgate, and lots cheaper. Stickers on there too!
As an alternative I will be trying out this little Carr step, a fold out step for the hitch receiver. Doesn’t help while the tailgate is down, but might be enough for me just for climbing up onto the bumper and over the tailgate, and lots cheaper. Stickers on there too!
Just be careful about sensors. Others have reported issues.
Just be careful about sensors. Others have reported issues.
Thanks SpeedyV. Have you seen reports specifically with these types of steps, or just the general reports of surprise reverse braking that seem pretty common even without any kit hanging back there?
Thanks SpeedyV. Have you seen reports specifically with these types of steps, or just the general reports of surprise reverse braking that seem pretty common even without any kit hanging back there?
I'd guess you are ok with this step and the back-up sensors. I originally tried a fairly big hitch step that interfered (Rhino Dominator) and it is was obvious why... it was huge. I tried a couple of smaller versions to check the sensor issue (Bully, Smittybilt) and those caused no problem. This is smaller than those two so I'd guess you'd be fine.
has anyone confirmed bed step #82214245AB will work on the 2019?
Just placed an order with Mopar America today. Received an email saying they are on a “slight back order “ and they should ship it next week.
Where can you order this bed step,and would it interfer with rear parking sensors if sensors are equipped in the ON mode?
As an alternative I will be trying out this little Carr step, a fold out step for the hitch receiver. Doesn’t help while the tailgate is down, but might be enough for me just for climbing up onto the bumper and over the tailgate, and lots cheaper. Stickers on there too!
For those wondering about a smaller cheaper step option, the one I linked does not interfere with the backup sensors and works good. Solid kit, folds up/down nicely, except I had to tighten down a retaining screw on the spring clip.
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The mopar one is 27 pounds, might have to find a second set of hands to install it
The mopar one is 27 pounds, might have to find a second set of hands to install it
It is a heavy little sucker going into a tight spot. I wrapped the tailpipe in a towel to avoid damage and get a bit of extra support while maneuvering.
Do you have a part number on the step? Who made the rubber mat? Great video.

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