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Key fob programming

Well, I have tried with 4 different scan tools, with Auto Auth and with a Security gateway bypass cable, Jscan and AlfaOBD. I have a new factory key that I purchased at the dealer. They gave me a 4 digit pin at the time I purchased it. Jscan and Alfaobd are both able to extract a 5 digit pin from the truck. I purchased a OBD LinkMX+ for Jscan and AlfaOBD use. Jscan is on my Ipad. AlfaOBD is on my windows laptop. I no longer have an Android phone or tablet anymore so I can't try that combo.
So long story short, I have been unsuccessful at adding a Key to my truck. (bought it a couple months ago with one key). Tomorrow, I'm getting it programmed by a key vendor. On both Alfa and Jscan, they will get me to the step that says to touch the key to the start button and they both have the error: Fobik is not Blank.
My truck is a 2022 Ram Limited with 6 button key fob. Lock, Unlock, Remote start, Panic, Tailgate and Air suspension buttons. Even though I haven't succeeded at programming, I am open to suggestions and would like to hear how anyone else succeeded.
Well, I have tried with 4 different scan tools, with Auto Auth and with a Security gateway bypass cable, Jscan and AlfaOBD. I have a new factory key that I purchased at the dealer. They gave me a 4 digit pin at the time I purchased it. Jscan and Alfaobd are both able to extract a 5 digit pin from the truck. I purchased a OBD LinkMX+ for Jscan and AlfaOBD use. Jscan is on my Ipad. AlfaOBD is on my windows laptop. I no longer have an Android phone or tablet anymore so I can't try that combo.
So long story short, I have been unsuccessful at adding a Key to my truck. (bought it a couple months ago with one key). Tomorrow, I'm getting it programmed by a key vendor. On both Alfa and Jscan, they will get me to the step that says to touch the key to the start button and they both have the error: Fobik is not Blank.
My truck is a 2022 Ram Limited with 6 button key fob. Lock, Unlock, Remote start, Panic, Tailgate and Air suspension buttons. Even though I haven't succeeded at programming, I am open to suggestions and would like to hear how anyone else succeeded.
ke sure the working fob is not near the truck when trying to program the new fob, otherwise it may read the old fob and tell you it’s not blank

ke sure the working fob is not near the truck when trying to program the new fob, otherwise it may read the old fob and tell you it’s not blank
I did try that. Had the key FOB far away from the vehicle. Also, my key vendor was unable to program it. I have an appt at the dealer tomorrow.
Update. Picked it up from the dealer. They said the new key was bad and they replaced it and programmed it. So maybe I could have programmed it. Maybe I’ll order a cheap one and try it out. I have 2 working keys and don’t want to risk trying to erase them and start over.
Update. Picked it up from the dealer. They said the new key was bad and they replaced it and programmed it. So maybe I could have programmed it. Maybe I’ll order a cheap one and try it out. I have 2 working keys and don’t want to risk trying to erase them and start over.

I got a 3rd key off eBay for something like $40 and had it programmed by a local locksmith.

I like having 3 keys. Use 2 as normal and always have the peace of mind of that 3rd key stored safely at home, for just in case.
For fob programing I tried the vlinker and Jimmy07s instructions and suggested tools/components and it worked like a charm.

It is the holy grail for gen 5 ram fob programing. Cost about $110 for first fob incl jscan. Cost for additional fobs is about $60 incl jscan!!! You do have to install the jscan app, and they charge $30 per vin.

I found the hardest part of the job was locating and removing 2 multi pin cables above your left knee under the dash. The trick there is they are to the left of a metal bracket above your left knee, and the clips to remove them are on the left side of the clip, or left side of truck.

You pull the cables down vertically after unclipping them. I also found it's easiest to remove the knee panel in front of the fuse box. You can't see the cables from the removed knee panel, but you can reach in and pull down on one cable at a time with your right hand, while releasing the clip on the left side with your left hand.

Here's Jimmy07s video showing how to locate the cables.

You best use the EXACT components he has tested or you might have trouble !

Somewhere perhaps in this thread Jimmy07 listed links where you can buy the vlinker, the fob, and the security cable. (mostly amazon) If you can’t find them here, you can find them on another Ram forum in post #4 Need a new remote
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Would this work if I don't have any keys? I just bought a 23 1500 from the auction and it came with no keys .I have alfaobd and bypass cable .
Would this work if I don't have any keys? I just bought a 23 1500 from the auction and it came with no keys .I have alfaobd and bypass cable .
Alfa won’t do it. You need jscan or an actual device that is meant for key programming.
Alfa won’t do it. You need jscan or an actual device that is meant for key programming.
I can get jscan as long as it will do it.But I went to the local dealer today and they gave me a 4 number pin and I thought it should be 5 numbers/characters. Is it 4 ok?
I can get jscan as long as it will do it.But I went to the local dealer today and they gave me a 4 number pin and I thought it should be 5 numbers/characters. Is it 4 ok?
I’m pretty sure you can use jscan to pull the pin. It’s said to be a rolling pin, so you probably should do it at the time of programming the new fob. I have a programmer that pulls the pin and programs the fob, so I’m not as familiar with jscan
I can get jscan as long as it will do it.But I went to the local dealer today and they gave me a 4 number pin and I thought it should be 5 numbers/characters. Is it 4 ok?
No, the pin that the dealer gives you is useless to you on a 5th gen ram. JScan can definitely do it though.
Finally grabbed a handful of fobs from eBay and successfully programmed to 2019+ 5th GEN Ram 1500 using only JScan.
All steps were done without ever putting the ignition in ACC or RUN position, and all working fobs were left in the house (so I could verify that JScan can program for an “all fobs lost” situation).
Connect to Ram DT 1500, then go to adaptation > radio frequency hub settings > RFH pin reading beta > target value = ram 2019-2023 > go.
When the following screen pops up, just turn the hazards on. Don’t bother opening and closing the door and don’t worry about the instrument cluster:
View attachment 185176
Once the pin is read, a screen pops up that says put ignition in run- don’t touch the ignition switch, just press OK, and it will say successful, and you’ll be left with this screen:
View attachment 185177

Press back to go back to the list of radio frequency hub settings, and choose RFH ignition key programming (pase) beta.
Keep clicking GO until you get to the screen to enter the PIN, and enter it.

Keep pressing GO for the next few screens, note that the unlock button press is mentioned, but will not be performed:
View attachment 185178
View attachment 185179

This next screen is where the programming happens, so once you get to this one, just start pressing the ignition button with the fob:
View attachment 185180
And after a few seconds of that:
View attachment 185181

These are the fobs I use:

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