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Just sold to Vroom...

Are you people selling because of the extra cash you're getting on the "sells" intending on just keeping the cash or buying another vehicle?
Most of you bought the vehicle you are "selling" for a purpose, so are you just going to be without it, or buying another?
Buying a cheaper, used model, or upgrading to a newer model?

Keep in mind, if you turn around and purchase another vehicle, you lose the sales tax advantage (in most states), and deals aren't as terrific as they were months ago. Many dealers not offering many "dealer discounts", and rebates pretty well suck at this time.

Just some thoughts.
Are you people selling because of the extra cash you're getting on the "sells" intending on just keeping the cash or buying another vehicle?
Most of you bought the vehicle you are "selling" for a purpose, so are you just going to be without it, or buying another?
Buying a cheaper, used model, or upgrading to a newer model?

Keep in mind, if you turn around and purchase another vehicle, you lose the sales tax advantage (in most states), and deals aren't as terrific as they were months ago. Many dealers not offering many "dealer discounts", and rebates pretty well suck at this time.

Just some thoughts.
I commented on another thread, by for me, I’m selling my 2019 Laramie, because I got almost $12,000 off sticker and 0%/72 on a Longhorn build with the exact equipment and color I want, and because my 2019 should be worth at least $4,000 more than I paid for it. I haven’t yet decided how/to whom I’ll sell it (dealer of the new truck, carvana/carmax/vroom/etc, or private party).

If I didn’t have a deal locked in, I’d hold onto my current truck, probably holding off for the 2023 models.
I am going to buy a beater, get by for the next 6-12 months, drive the heck out of my EV with free power from work now and my Indian as much as possible (42 MPG), watch the economy take a downturn due to inflation, watch gas go to $3.50 or $4.00 per gallon nationwide average and re-buy or lease when incentives and offers are better. Possibly consider something more fuel efficient for a new replacement (Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Hybrid, 49 MPG and $262 a month lease right now) or maybe the Ford F150 Hybrid but too expensive right now. 10,000 fords sitting on a racetrack in Kentucky....... I cannot imagine how many total vehicles are sitting chipless all across the country. I am willing to take the gamble and put my payment in the bank for this term or longer. Not to be political, but I had a suspicion that the new the policies of the new regime would drive inflation.

I drove my truck, essentially free for 11 months, 12,000 miles. Now let someone pay more for it than I did. I never imagined I would be able to sell it for what I paid. A used car, yes, but not a new truck, No way. You always assume a $10K hit the day you drive it off the lot. I remember when gas was $4/gallon in the early 2010's. I had a Suburban and an Isuzu trooper and my monthly gas costs were $600-$800 per month. THis buy out , just came at the right time for me.

I talked with Vroom yesterday, everything is in process, they are a little behind on processing contracts. I should expect it about 7 days from my Owner Verification submission.

My Son's 2020 Warlock is at the Jeep dealer across the street getting evaluated right now. His rough trade in value is $9 K more than the balance of his lease and $5K more than his total out of pocket lease cost from day 1. Crazy!
I bought my used Laramie for 38,000 in July 2020 from Autonation. It had 29,000 miles at the time. I just checked Autonation to see how much they would buy it for now, with 39,800 miles, and they just emailed me a certified offer for 41,500. After almost a year of payments, I could resell this back to them, and make a killer profit! This market is insane.
Are you people selling because of the extra cash you're getting on the "sells" intending on just keeping the cash or buying another vehicle?
Most of you bought the vehicle you are "selling" for a purpose, so are you just going to be without it, or buying another?
Buying a cheaper, used model, or upgrading to a newer model?

Keep in mind, if you turn around and purchase another vehicle, you lose the sales tax advantage (in most states), and deals aren't as terrific as they were months ago. Many dealers not offering many "dealer discounts", and rebates pretty well suck at this time.

Just some thoughts.
I am looking at getting the $22K equity out of my truck to pay off my wife's Toyota and then get a 2021 Ram with more options to replace my truck. It will be a monthly savings and I get a 2021 with the features that I didn't get on my 2019 (HUD, BUG, Ramboxes, HK 19 vs Alpine 9, Vented Rear Seats, and possibly Night Edition). It would be a win win...other than the added year of loan payments but at almost the same payment.
Are you people selling because of the extra cash you're getting on the "sells" intending on just keeping the cash or buying another vehicle?
Most of you bought the vehicle you are "selling" for a purpose, so are you just going to be without it, or buying another?
Buying a cheaper, used model, or upgrading to a newer model?

Keep in mind, if you turn around and purchase another vehicle, you lose the sales tax advantage (in most states), and deals aren't as terrific as they were months ago. Many dealers not offering many "dealer discounts", and rebates pretty well suck at this time.

Just some thoughts.

I'm planning on selling mine for almost $3K more than I paid for it in 2019. I will get another truck eventually just not sure if it will be a RAM. While I like RAM, I'm not impressed with their service departments with 2 dealers in my area. Neither one have a clue on customer support and the one out-right lied to my face. I got rid of my F150 FX4 after 10 years for the RAM and never had any customer service issues with the local dealer's service department. Of course YMMV.

With the economy and the chip issues, it will be interesting to see what happens to truck prices.

My offer wasn't as good as I thought. 2020 Limited Night Ed with 3500 miles and my offer was below my purchase price and I thought I did well negotiating the price down by almost 14k from sticker.
I put this in another thread on here, but seems applicable here as well. For reference, my trade in offer 2 months ago when I ordered my truck was $30,000:

"Sold my 2017 longhorn with 52,7xx miles on it today to AutoNation. Their original offer was $39,500, however, I noticed on my quote that it had my tires described as new. I told them they are more on the verge of needing to be replaced, so I expected to get an offer lower than the initial $39,500. Ended up agreeing to $38,250, due to the tires and some average scratches and small ding. That was still more than vrooms offer (my next highest bidder at $37,500), and the truck had some other things needing attention as well so I was more than happy with the price we agreed to.

They never moved my truck, did start it and take a decent exterior walk around, but that was pretty much it. My inspection was up at the end of the month and I didn't want to dump money into this one right before (hopefully) my new truck shows up. The process was alright, we ended up getting held up for quite a while but it was due to an error by a previous lien holder. Once we had that cleared up we were out of there in about 15-20 minutes with a nice check to bring home.

I would recommend them, wasn't anything shady feeling about any of it and leaving with a check was a nice reassurance. If it didn't work out today I likely would have explored vroom again in another week."

I have an appointment Friday (14 May) with AutoNation who offered me $51.6K and that is indeed more than I paid for the truck. If all works out, we will be down to one car for a bit.

Just did that today and now we are down to one car (2018 jetta) until my new truck shows up. What they gave me was also about $3,000 more than what I paid for it 2 years and 35k miles ago, and was a large amount more than my trade in offer.
Brought my truck to autonation today. They offered me 50,500. I called the guy who was doing my trade at 45k. He checked and book value went up and is now giving me 47k. Savings on sales tax puts me at 51 and change for my truck. I’m trying to find a car to use till my rebel is ready for pickup. Plan on dropping off at dealer sometime next week so I don’t do any damage to hurt trade in. Dealership will pay my truck off for me and we will straighten out the difference when my rebel that is currently inD1 status is ready for delivery. I will owe him some money for I am upside down in my silverado
Are you people selling because of the extra cash you're getting on the "sells" intending on just keeping the cash or buying another vehicle?
Most of you bought the vehicle you are "selling" for a purpose, so are you just going to be without it, or buying another?
Buying a cheaper, used model, or upgrading to a newer model?

Keep in mind, if you turn around and purchase another vehicle, you lose the sales tax advantage (in most states), and deals aren't as terrific as they were months ago. Many dealers not offering many "dealer discounts", and rebates pretty well suck at this time.

Just some thoughts.
In my case selling cause’ it doesn’t fit in the next garage. If not for that I wouldn’t have cared what the value was, cause’ she likes it.

We will end up replacing the truck with “something”, its no longer definite that it will be a RAM as this fuel crisis on the east coast has her thinking of a hybrid Highlander…

I don’t question/argue cause’ it’s for her thus her decision. But yes, we will replace sometime in the next 6 months (we have use of a family members car while he is deployed so no pressure).
In my case selling cause’ it doesn’t fit in the next garage. If not for that I wouldn’t have cared what the value was, cause’ she likes it.

We will end up replacing the truck with “something”, its no longer definite that it will be a RAM as this fuel crisis on the east coast has her thinking of a hybrid Highlander…

I don’t question/argue cause’ it’s for her thus her decision. But yes, we will replace sometime in the next 6 months (we have use of a family members car while he is deployed so no pressure).
HUH? the fuel "crisis" (if you call it that). that would make you switch from a RAM to a Highlander??? Or did I mis-read?
HUH? the fuel "crisis" (if you call it that). that would make you switch from a RAM to a Highlander??? Or did I mis-read?
Yep, the crisis is basically over. There might be reasons to be concerned over a sustained uptrend in gas prices, but this recent event shouldn’t be one of them.
Yep, the crisis is basically over. There might be reasons to be concerned over a sustained uptrend in gas prices, but this recent event shouldn’t be one of them.
Crisis, what crisis? :p I should probably point out that I don't live anywhere near the east coast.
Crisis, what crisis? :p I should probably point out that I don't live anywhere near the east coast.
Indeed, crisis is too strong of a word.

It’s kind of like toilet paper in March/April of 2020: media reports a hypothetical shortage, people panic and begin hoarding, which leads to an actual shortage, which leads to more hoarding. Throw in some stupid anti price gouging laws which only encourage more hoarding.

That last part reminds me of a joke:

How can you sell gas for $4.00 a gallon when the place across the street has it for only $2.50?

So why don’t you just buy it from them, then?

They don’t have any gas!
Indeed, crisis is too strong of a word.

It’s kind of like toilet paper in March/April of 2020: media reports a hypothetical shortage, people panic and begin hoarding, which leads to an actual shortage, which leads to more hoarding. Throw in some stupid anti price gouging laws which only encourage more hoarding.

That last part reminds me of a joke:

How can you sell gas for $4.00 a gallon when the place across the street has it for only $2.50?

So why don’t you just buy it from them, then?

They don’t have any gas!
Crisis might be too strong but if you were in the midst of the panic, the lines, the people hunting for an hour or more to find fuel, you might rethink your view. I don’t drive her truck, my ride is an Edge SUV. I burn a quarter tank a day just commuting, so I have 3 days before its a ‘crisis’ for me. No work = no pay. I like a house, hot food etc.
Crisis might be too strong but if you were in the midst of the panic, the lines, the people hunting for an hour or more to find fuel, you might rethink your view. I don’t drive her truck, my ride is an Edge SUV. I burn a quarter tank a day just commuting, so I have 3 days before its a ‘crisis’ for me. No work = no pay. I like a house, hot food etc.
What I’m saying is, it’s a crisis because people believe it to be a crisis. You see people lining up, and reasonably think, see, I told you it’s a crisis! But you’ve got to ask yoursef

If gas prices were allowed to go up to, say, $4.00/gallon, people wouldn’t hoard it. They’d get just what they need for essentials like getting to work, leaving enough for others, and then you wouldn’t have lines or people hunting for an hour or more.

A friend of mine—who reads these forums, hello!—filled up his truck, his wife’s SUV, his SxS, his lawn mower, his RV, and multiple fuel cans on the day the news of the hacking broke. My wife filled her half full tank up that day. I loooed at my truck, saw I have 5/8 of a tank, decided I’m good and didn’t contribute to the problem.

I don’t think they would have done that if media didn’t create panic and if prices rose accordingly. So my friend, and the other people who filled up gas cans and plastic bags (!) with gas, or those that top off whenever they’re gauge drops by 1/8, are what are causing lines and shortages.

If people just chill, buy the gas they need to get by, then the problem would be over already. Even with panic, it’ll be all over before Monday, and this alone should not be a factor in vehicle sales or purchase decisions.
Agree with what you said about how people accentuate problem into the “crisis” but that’s people and emotions.

In our case she gets to choose and whatever her fancy is at the time is hers to make, I just pay the bills. Fortunately, $55K will allow her ample choice. At least whatever she gets will now fit in the garage.

That’s what started this whole process for me, well that and the OP’s thread. As an aside, now that less friendly countries and organizations know just how easy it is to disrupt significant portions of our economy, plan on more of this.
PS, my son works for a major software company and the pipeline folks were a client. They had the software designed to “defend/reject” the ransomware but hadn’t yet installed it. You can’t fix stupid.
Not sure why but I ran my truck through all 3 and I didn’t think the numbers were that great.

AutoNation offered 42.5k
Carvana 41k
Vroom 45k

First 2 are out of the question and even Vroom’s offer isn’t great. Seems like guys are getting great offers on the Laramies and Limiteds. My Big Horn not so much. To be honest I thought the numbers would be much higher, it’s really hard to find an ecodiesel around here right now
Not sure why but I ran my truck through all 3 and I didn’t think the numbers were that great.

AutoNation offered 42.5k
Carvana 41k
Vroom 45k

First 2 are out of the question and even Vroom’s offer isn’t great. Seems like guys are getting great offers on the Laramies and Limiteds. My Big Horn not so much. To be honest I thought the numbers would be much higher, it’s really hard to find an ecodiesel around here right now
Three questions for you about your Big Horn if you don't mind my asking...
What was MSRP on it?
How many miles do you have on it?
What was your OTD price?

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