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Freedom Convoy

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Not to me, but it's happening in southern Texas quite often. When criminals have a choice of where to commit their murders, do you think they will go to a city where citizens can defend themselves, or a city where people are disarmed of everything but kitchen knives?

Lets be realistic.......people can worry about many things that will never happen. You take a much greater risk driving that Ram down the highway than being attacked by a criminal.......unless you are picking up hookers in your Ram.....in that case.....I recommend you be careful......I do like the color of your Ram....same as mine......I look really good in it!
Lets be realistic.......people can worry about many things that will never happen. You take a much greater risk driving that Ram down the highway than being attacked by a criminal.......
Sure, let's be realistic.

You're more likely to be the victim of a violent crime than to be involved in a mass shooting.
Agree on many of your points.....I don't wear a mask but got all the shots.....my choice.......the majority of health professionals agree the vax is good. As for clean energy......I agree......we need to move in that direction but....in the meantime....don't punish most of us by implementing taxes and fees many cannot afford. As for guns......I'll always have mine but I don't need mags that hold 30 rounds.....the deer and elk I shoot every year have never shot back. Fact is....guns are a problem in this country.......yet we do nothing but offer thoughts and prayers when people die........thoughts and prayers are BS! Who said you wanted to move to China? Just shop at Walmart......be happy.
We don't have a gun problem, we have a criminal problem.

Since you're apparently misunderstanding the intent of the Bill of Rights, specifically the 2A....
The BoR is a list issued to the gov, by We the People, of items that are off limits.

"Shall not be infringed" couldn't be any plainer.

Lose the 2nd and I guarantee the others will disappear.
I think they'd have been more clear about what it means to infringe on an individual and natural right.

You understand that gun control is almost entirely about controlling smaller subsets of the population, correct? Wailing about gun control makes you more racist than you'll ever understand.

Are you sure you don't receive the NRA talking points....BTW.....I think you're wrong about the founding fathers.....some of them were pretty smart.
I wore one, and still do on occasion. If for no other reason than because it doesn't hurt. It "might" help, but it won't hurt. Plenty of people play the lottery because they "might" win. Others don't play because they know the odds are very low. It's okay by me either way. I'm not wasting my dollar on the lottery but I don't care if someone else does. Likewise, I'll wear a mask but don't care if someone else does.
I know they say masks are to protect others, and that cloth doesn't work very well because the weave is bigger than the virus. Even still, I wore it to protect me not everyone else. Even if it's only 1% effective at protecting me, that's a 1% better shot at avoiding infection than no mask at all. I came up with a "golf ball theory" in regards to how it may help (and I may be out in left field on this, but that's how I decided what was right for me with masks).
Say someone is going to hit a golf ball at you. You have a chain link fence that a golf ball can obviously fit through. You have the option to stand there unprotected and let the golf ball come at you, or you can stand behind the chain link fence. We know the ball can get through the fence, but there's a chance it might not. So why not stand behind it. Likewise, I know the virus can get through the weave of cloth, but maybe there's a chance it won't.​
Obviously I'm not a doctor but there's no harm in trying to protect yourself. Since there was no negative side to wearing it, I'll take every miniscule advantage I can. Worst case, I wore a mask for no reason. No harm, no foul.
That easily passes the risk-reward test for me. Zero risk with any chance of a reward is worth taking a shot. That said, I can see where a low risk person won't bother wearing one. To relate back to the golf ball theory, some of us are standing closer to the golfer than others. If you're 300 yards away you probably don't care about the fence nearly as much as someone who's 10 feet away.
That said the government should not be mandating fences for everyone. You stand behind the fence if that's what is best for you.
True. I'm glad you have the right to wear a mask and I don't judge anyone that does. Your body your choice. I just didn't like the dizzy feeling it gives me. Also don't like the affects it has on kids who are breathing in huge amounts of CO2 for 9 hours a day, when they have 99.9% change to live trough the sickness. I agree, it is like the lottery....taking a chance. Much of life is this way. I almost get in a wreck at least twice a week because of dumb drivers playing on their phones while driving, but I take the risk and drive to work anyway.
Lets be realistic.......people can worry about many things that will never happen. You take a much greater risk driving that Ram down the highway than being attacked by a criminal.......unless you are picking up hookers in your Ram.....in that case.....I recommend you be careful......I do like the color of your Ram....same as mine......I look really good in it!
Driving my truck, I am in control of the vehicle and can take precautions to reduce my risks. Poor comparison. Which is why I also have my CCW permit. I can't control other people, but I can take precautions to protect myself and reduce risks.
There's nothing emotional about statistics. It's inconvenient, I know, but your nonsensical points about mass shootings aren't supported by the data.

If you'd like to discuss the data, I'm happy to absolutely destroy whatever trash you decide to throw around.

If you'd rather stick to emotion and insults, well, I'm happy to destroy you that way as well.

Up to you. I'll let your response dictate which direction we take this.

Your just so kind and generous.....and emotional.....lets see your stats.
Sure, let's be realistic.

You're more likely to be the victim of a violent crime than to be involved in a mass shooting.

Actually....you're more likely to not be invloved with either.......still people die and we do nothing to prevent it.
Your just so kind and generous.....and emotional.....lets see your stats.
Blunt objects (clubs, hammers, etc.)438466474455397
Personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.)651668715712600

You're more likely to be killed by a foot or a hammer than a rifle.

Let's start there since you immediately went to banning standard capacity rifle magazines.
Driving my truck, I am in control of the vehicle and can take precautions to reduce my risks. Poor comparison. Which is why I also have my CCW permit. I can't control other people, but I can take precautions to protect myself and reduce risks.

I have a CCW as well......comparison is not poor at all....the point......your chances of being injured or killed in your Ram is much greater then that being shot by a criminal.......unless you are doing that hooker thing mentioned previously.
I have a CCW as well......comparison is not poor at all....the point......your chances of being injured or killed in your Ram is much greater then that being shot by a criminal.......unless you are doing that hooker thing mentioned previously.
You're also more likely to be killed in your Ram than you are with a firearm.

I don't hear you hollering that we need to restrict the top speed of vehicles to an arbitrary, feel-good number like 10 mph.
Blunt objects (clubs, hammers, etc.)438466474455397
Personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.)651668715712600

You're more likely to be killed by a foot or a hammer than a rifle.

Let's start there since you immediately went to banning standard capacity rifle magazines.

Facinating.......you and Lauren see things the same way!

Chalk one up for the credibility team!
I have a CCW as well......comparison is not poor at all....the point......your chances of being injured or killed in your Ram is much greater then that being shot by a criminal.......unless you are doing that hooker thing mentioned previously.
Didn't say my chances to die or be injured in a vehicle accident weren't more likely. But my chances of dying or being injured by another person which a gun are lower when I, myself, and armed. And the 2nd amendment is more about having weapons to defend against others. But if you are so restricted by the weapon you can own, than what the "others" can have, it's not equal playing feild. Criminals do not care about your gun laws, and you can't legislate guns away. Laws only keep honest people honest. The harder you make it for law abiding citizens to get weapons, the easier of a target they are to those who don't follow the laws.
Not enough apparently.......or at least.....not in a meaningful way.
It never is enough, is it? You don't give a rat's *** about anyone's safety. You're told that you need to support gun control if you care about the kids, and like a good little stepper, you fall right in line.
You're also more likely to be killed in your Ram than you are with a firearm.

I don't hear you hollering that we need to restrict the top speed of vehicles to an arbitrary, feel-good number like 10 mph.

Poor example.....we have many feel good numbers.....heck.....if I leave my driveway......I am required to go 25....35....45 and 55 with two miles........these are all feel good numbers.......if they changed those to 100.....more people would suffer. Society has many rules....you probaly know that.
Poor example.....we have many feel good numbers.....heck.....if I leave my driveway......I am required to go 25....35....45 and 55 with two miles........these are all feel good numbers.......if they changed those to 100.....more people would suffer. Society has many rules....you probaly know that.
I'm also required to carry my firearm concealed if I leave my property, I'm not allowed to use it in public except under extreme circumstances, and I get a little more than a speeding ticket if I don't follow the law.

Inconvenient, I know, but it's a losing point for you. Move away from comparing guns and vehicles. You're welcome.
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