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Freedom Convoy

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Depends what scientist or doctor you talk to. It’s very subjective. The mask is made to prevent someone from spreading an illness, not the other way around. Cloth ones don’t work very much at all. And a lot of people walk around with the masks that vent their air out unrestricted. As far as the shot, Some doctors told me you better not put that crap in your body, some highly recommend the shot. personally I know of someone that the shot almost killed. They still can’t really go to work. If you don’t have a high risk of death from any illness, why take that chance?

we should implement cleaner energy where applicable. But not by punishing all citizens by raising taxes and fuel costs to make them buy an EV, which would be useless for most (at least here). Just to line the pockets of big tech who made huge donations to the Biden campaign? No thanks.
Also, the socialist/Marxist agenda doesn’t focus on mags, they want to disarm you (the law abiding citizen) while defunding the police, and leaving you defenseless against criminals. If I wanted to live in China I’d move there. Thanks anyway tho.
Agree on many of your points.....I don't wear a mask but got all the shots.....my choice.......the majority of health professionals agree the vax is good. As for clean energy......I agree......we need to move in that direction but....in the meantime....don't punish most of us by implementing taxes and fees many cannot afford. As for guns......I'll always have mine but I don't need mags that hold 30 rounds.....the deer and elk I shoot every year have never shot back. Fact is....guns are a problem in this country.......yet we do nothing but offer thoughts and prayers when people die........thoughts and prayers are BS! Who said you wanted to move to China? Just shop at Walmart......be happy.
Thanks for that. I did spend hours over multiple days looking through Brennan Center site a couple months ago after hearing about it on a podcast a while back.

I read some of the bill texts directly from corresponding state sites that it pointed me to.

Not to sound thick but it wasn’t helpful.

I will say I saw some changes that could suggest in some states or districts it could be getting harder to vote (marginally, typically).

But again I could not find anything that pointed to overt aim or impact to any specific minority group.

And I was looking!

Again most conversations go this way…
“Look on the internet… it’s over there…”

What? What is over where??

I find plenty sites to say THAT voter laws are racist. I’m having a helluva time finding any that day HOW.

Point me to a bill saying purple or green people will be denied ballots or turned away at the polls or threatened etc.

Gerrymandering is as close a link as I can make. Although That has been a problem for all kinds of people since the founding of the country. So no doubt today it could be used to target geographies that favor or disfavor select groups.

I’m not denying it could be happening.

I’m saying make a better case so it can be better combatted.

Sorry to derail… this is supposed to be about vaxxing I think?

But example of why it’s so hard to align on basic facts probably hits at the core of that disagreement too.

Just don't provide any water to voters in line.....you could be arrested!
As for guns......I'll always have mine but I don't need mags that hold 30 rounds.....the deer and elk I shoot every year have never shot back. Fact is....guns are a problem in this country.......yet we do nothing but offer thoughts and prayers when people die........thoughts and prayers are BS!
Almost all of my firearms are for purposes other than hunting. I'd love for you to explain how banning 30 round magazines makes you safer, because I can absolutely explain how owning them makes me safer.
Almost all of my firearms are for purposes other than hunting. I'd love for you to explain how banning 30 round magazines makes you safer, because I can absolutely explain how owning them makes me safer.
Not to mention I only need 1 round to do the job, so limiting to any number is pointless.
Agree on many of your points.....I don't wear a mask but got all the shots.....my choice.......the majority of health professionals agree the vax is good. As for clean energy......I agree......we need to move in that direction but....in the meantime....don't punish most of us by implementing taxes and fees many cannot afford. As for guns......I'll always have mine but I don't need mags that hold 30 rounds.....the deer and elk I shoot every year have never shot back. Fact is....guns are a problem in this country.......yet we do nothing but offer thoughts and prayers when people die........thoughts and prayers are BS! Who said you wanted to move to China? Just shop at Walmart......be happy.
Glad we can agree on some points. You're right, taking the shot is your choice, and it should be yours, not some 80 year old politician. Also the 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting...........
Almost all of my firearms are for purposes other than hunting. I'd love for you to explain how banning 30 round magazines makes you safer, because I can absolutely explain how owning them makes me safer.

Go talk to the families that lost loved ones in any mass murders committed with high capacity firearms over the past several years........and....oh yea.....pay your NRA dues so you can get the latest talking points.
Not to mention I only need 1 round to do the job, so limiting to any number is pointless.
Try to defend your family from a cartel member who's shooting at your with a full auto AK with one round.
Glad we can agree on some points. You're right, taking the shot is your choice, and it should be yours, not some 80 year old politician. Also the 2nd amendment has nothing to do with hunting...........

I gotta believe that the funding fathers.......if alive today......would have a different interpretation of the 2nd amendment. Of course.......you may be right......maybe they would want our current guns to better control their slaves.
Go talk to the families that lost loved ones in any mass murders committed with high capacity firearms over the past several years........and....oh yea.....pay your NRA dues so you can get the latest talking points.
This emotional BS won't work on me, so you can skip right past those talking points.

Let's talk actual data instead. Do you have any clue about the actual statistics? Not whatever ******** you were fed, but the actual data from organizations like the FBI? I'm positive that you don't or you wouldn't regurgitate inane points as you've just done.

By the way, not an NRA member. I think they're too weak when defending my Second Amendment rights. They spend too much time cowering to irrational and emotional hypocrites like yourself for me to give them any of my money.
Try to defend your family from a cartel member who's shooting at your with a full auto AK with one round.

How many times has that happened to you.....maybe you need some new friends....hang with a better crowd....sounds like emotinal BS to me.
I gotta believe that the funding fathers.......if alive today......would have a different interpretation of the 2nd amendment. Of course.......you may be right......maybe they would want our current guns to better control their slaves.
I think they'd have been more clear about what it means to infringe on an individual and natural right.

You understand that gun control is almost entirely about controlling smaller subsets of the population, correct? Wailing about gun control makes you more racist than you'll ever understand.
Go talk to the families that lost loved ones in any mass murders committed with high capacity firearms over the past several years........and....oh yea.....pay your NRA dues so you can get the latest talking points.
Mass shootings are one of the saddest tragedies. I've watched alot of documentaries about them. Most of the lessons learned are that the people commiting them have severe mental illness. This needs to be addressed also. It's not the firearm's fault, its the perpetrator. With that mentality, we should ban motor vehicles because Darrel Brooks Jr drove an SUV through parade barricades and killed 5 people..........
Don't let those pesky facts get in your way.......please by all means stay uninformed. If you need proof.....do some homework.
I'm not uninformed, just don't believe the left leaning spin on things. You can't prove it, which is why you keep telling others to do some homework. You have no idea what I do or don't know. You just assume you are somehow more informed, or more intelligent. Trying to compensate for something.
How many times has that happened to you.....maybe you need some new friends....hang with a better crowd....sounds like emotinal BS to me.
Not to me, but it's happening in southern Texas quite often. When criminals have a choice of where to commit their murders, do you think they will go to a city where citizens can defend themselves, or a city where people are disarmed of everything but kitchen knives?
This emotional BS won't work on me, so you can skip right past those talking points.

Let's talk actual data instead. Do you have any clue about the actual statistics? Not whatever ******** you were fed, but the actual data from organizations like the FBI? I'm positive that you don't or you wouldn't regurgitate inane points as you've just done.

By the way, not an NRA member. I think they're too weak when defending my Second Amendment rights. They spend too much time cowering to irrational and emotional hypocrites like yourself for me to give them any of my money.

I am glad you don't support the NRA and Wayne's homes and luxury boats.....that's good......Wayne has enough money. If you don't like emotional BS....why do you use it? I love the line you can tell me how 30 round mags make you more secure.......I feel safer just talking to you! Talk about emotinal BS!
Haven't heard that yet....
I saw an article and there was a body cam video. I can't remember where. If i find it ill share. Pretty scary stuff....
If you don't like emotional BS....why do you use it? I love the line you can tell me how 30 round mags make you more secure.......I feel safer just talking to you! Talk about emotinal BS!
There's nothing emotional about statistics. It's inconvenient, I know, but your nonsensical points about mass shootings aren't supported by the data.

If you'd like to discuss the data, I'm happy to absolutely destroy whatever trash you decide to throw around.

If you'd rather stick to emotion and insults, well, I'm happy to destroy you that way as well.

Up to you. I'll let your response dictate which direction we take this.
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