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Freedom Convoy

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Then do some more homework......not surprised you really see nothing if you lean right.....people see what they want to see......some folks still want to believe Trump won and we all know he didn't. I don't like either party.......I am a social liberal and fiscal conservative......have fun with that.
I don't need to do any "homework" as nothing that has passed prevents anyone from being able to vote. Prove me wrong. Other than a link to a left leaning website that tried to spin it, you have offered zero evidence.
Then do some more homework......not surprised you really see nothing if you lean right.....people see what they want to see......some folks still want to believe Trump won and we all know he didn't. I don't like either party.......I am a social liberal and fiscal conservative......have fun with that.
Oh , and I didn't vote for Trump, am pro-choice, and pro-2nd amendment. I don't label myself anything because there is no label. Registered independent.
That science BS is terrible...isn't it......we need to burn more coal and build bigger gas engines......we should also increase mag capacity for our guns......you know.....to protect our rights!
Depends what scientist or doctor you talk to. It’s very subjective. The mask is made to prevent someone from spreading an illness, not the other way around. Cloth ones don’t work very much at all. And a lot of people walk around with the masks that vent their air out unrestricted. As far as the shot, Some doctors told me you better not put that crap in your body, some highly recommend the shot. personally I know of someone that the shot almost killed. They still can’t really go to work. If you don’t have a high risk of death from any illness, why take that chance?

we should implement cleaner energy where applicable. But not by punishing all citizens by raising taxes and fuel costs to make them buy an EV, which would be useless for most (at least here). Just to line the pockets of big tech who made huge donations to the Biden campaign? No thanks.
Also, the socialist/Marxist agenda doesn’t focus on mags, they want to disarm you (the law abiding citizen) while defunding the police, and leaving you defenseless against criminals. If I wanted to live in China I’d move there. Thanks anyway tho.
There is lots of info out there with a little research...try it. Here one but keep in mind.....this is only one and comes from a liberal/progressive perspective.....it does cover a lot of facts.


Thanks for that. I did spend hours over multiple days looking through Brennan Center site a couple months ago after hearing about it on a podcast a while back.

I read some of the bill texts directly from corresponding state sites that it pointed me to.

Not to sound thick but it wasn’t helpful.

I will say I saw some changes that could suggest in some states or districts it could be getting harder to vote (marginally, typically).

But again I could not find anything that pointed to overt aim or impact to any specific minority group.

And I was looking!

Again most conversations go this way…
“Look on the internet… it’s over there…”

What? What is over where??

I find plenty sites to say THAT voter laws are racist. I’m having a helluva time finding any that day HOW.

Point me to a bill saying purple or green people will be denied ballots or turned away at the polls or threatened etc.

Gerrymandering is as close a link as I can make. Although That has been a problem for all kinds of people since the founding of the country. So no doubt today it could be used to target geographies that favor or disfavor select groups.

I’m not denying it could be happening.

I’m saying make a better case so it can be better combatted.

Sorry to derail… this is supposed to be about vaxxing I think?

But example of why it’s so hard to align on basic facts probably hits at the core of that disagreement too.
To throw some fuel in the dumpster fire, how about that Biden and XI meeting today? Anyone think China, the leader in counterfeit goods, is going to take a moral high ground and shut off supply to Russia?
Look at the voting laws the republicans have changed in various states....if you don't think they want less people of color to vote....you are either blind or confused.
I always find it...interesting how someone can complain about how racist voter laws are while also supporting racist gun control.
Aren't the safest places those cities that have outlawed guns, like Chicago and NYC for example? Vermont you don't even need a pistol permit to carry, look at the rampant crime there, complete mayhem
I hope you are being sarcastic, because Chicago and NY are among the worst for crime. Especially when they decided to de-fund the police. Texas is about to be really bad since they are recalling article 42. There's thousand of gang members, drug cartel members, and human traffickers waiting for the US to open the door even wider than it is now.
It has already gotten really bad in parts of Houston.
True, that's how it went for most. However, the white house did enact vax mandates. That is the reason for the freedom convey.
Look at you bringing the thread full circle there. :D

"Vaccines" yes, my wife was told that she would be denied chemo treatments and I would not be allowed there to support her if we did not get injected with experimental drugs that don't work. Think about that. Treatment that has worked over time for millions to treat a sure death would be denied if we did not succumb to taking the experimental "drug".
My oncologist (who is also a hematologist) is the one who told me that I should get vaccinated. To be fair, she wasn't immediately on board with it until she did her own research. Only after reading the actual clinical studies herself (not the interpretations of the studies) did she tell me she felt it was safe.

I agree that it suck that someone would be denied chemo (which we know works) if they're not vaccinated (which was still experimental). But another perspective of it, is probably more of a CYA by the doctors.
When you are on chemo you are the epitome of immune compromised. We know chemo works to kill cancer. We also know that Covid was much more lethal to the immune compromised than those who were healthy. It would appear the concern was that they are going to give you a medication that wrecks your immune system, thereby making you highly susceptible to a lethal virus. However, if you are vaccinated, you were expected to experience milder symptoms of Covid. So by requiring the patient to be vaccinated, the doctor is hoping that your body (wrecked by chemo) was able to survive the milder symptoms, whereas a full force Covid infection may have been fatal.

As for the support person needing vaccinated? That was all medical facilities not just oncology. The radiology department at my local hospital wouldn't even allow a guest, and the hospital itself only allowed vaccinated guests or those with a negative test. Why? An abundance of caution I guess. Hard to say, I don't know how/why they made the decision.

Shots, you for one don't usually speak so unknowingly, I am kind of surprised.
I'm not sure which part you're referring to, because I do make it a point to be as informed as possible.

If you're talking about the federal vaccine mandate for large companies, I'm not denying they made it. However, people overlook that they gave exemptions. Medical and religious being the obvious two. However the one that seems to be overlooked (or ignored) is that you could simply choose not to get vaccinated too. I mentioned jumping through hoops. That catch was that you had to have regular tests to show negative infection.
Yes it's stupid, and I think it's overstepping the authority of what the government can do. However, there was an option to not get the vaccine. It was a matter of choice to get the get regular tests if you didn't want the vaccine. Again, I think it's a huge overreach requiring either, and I agree with standing up against it, but there was an option to not get the shot.

Aren't the safest places those cities that have outlawed guns, like Chicago and NYC for example? Vermont you don't even need a pistol permit to carry, look at the rampant crime there, complete mayhem
Without doing an in depth analysis it's hard to tell, but to steal a line from the NRA, an armed society is a polite society. Don't get me wrong, people will harm others in any environment, but it seems to me that knowing someone is armed would make it a lot less appealing to rob/assault them. How often do you hear about a gun store being robbed? Very very rare. The illegally armed criminal will hit the unarmed gas station before they walk into a store where they know the clerks are armed. The problem with disarming the entire country is that the criminals don't care if their gun, knife or rock is legal to carry. If they're intent on doing harm, they will find a way.
Any statistical facts to back any of it? No, just pure speculation on my part, but that seems like a logical step. At least to me it does.
I saw that. Thugs got some fully auto guns too. Smuggled them over the open border. 😳
And fully auto guns are, for the most part, illegal. So outlawing them doesn't seem to have fixed that problem. Criminals will find a way.
Typical libtard response. No actual knowledge. No practical experience, just a backwards thinking insult. What a 💩.

Conservatives like you, Tucker and Sean often defer to name calling when their position is challenged........knew some kids in grammar school like you folks.
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I don't need to do any "homework" as nothing that has passed prevents anyone from being able to vote. Prove me wrong. Other than a link to a left leaning website that tried to spin it, you have offered zero evidence.

Don't let those pesky facts get in your way.......please by all means stay uninformed. If you need proof.....do some homework.
Conservatives like you, Tucker and Sean often defer to name calling when their position is challenged........knew some kids in grammer school like you folks.
Is that when you dropped out? It's spelled grammar
I also quit wearing a mask after week 1 since they don’t work very well, and just made me dizzy. No lunacy for me thanks
... The mask is made to prevent someone from spreading an illness, not the other way around. Cloth ones don’t work very much at all. And a lot of people walk around with the masks that vent their air out unrestricted.....
I wore one, and still do on occasion. If for no other reason than because it doesn't hurt. It "might" help, but it won't hurt. Plenty of people play the lottery because they "might" win. Others don't play because they know the odds are very low. It's okay by me either way. I'm not wasting my dollar on the lottery but I don't care if someone else does. Likewise, I'll wear a mask but don't care if someone else does.
I know they say masks are to protect others, and that cloth doesn't work very well because the weave is bigger than the virus. Even still, I wore it to protect me not everyone else. Even if it's only 1% effective at protecting me, that's a 1% better shot at avoiding infection than no mask at all. I came up with a "golf ball theory" in regards to how it may help (and I may be out in left field on this, but that's how I decided what was right for me with masks).
Say someone is going to hit a golf ball at you. You have a chain link fence that a golf ball can obviously fit through. You have the option to stand there unprotected and let the golf ball come at you, or you can stand behind the chain link fence. We know the ball can get through the fence, but there's a chance it might not. So why not stand behind it. Likewise, I know the virus can get through the weave of cloth, but maybe there's a chance it won't.​
Obviously I'm not a doctor but there's no harm in trying to protect yourself. Since there was no negative side to wearing it, I'll take every miniscule advantage I can. Worst case, I wore a mask for no reason. No harm, no foul.
That easily passes the risk-reward test for me. Zero risk with any chance of a reward is worth taking a shot. That said, I can see where a low risk person won't bother wearing one. To relate back to the golf ball theory, some of us are standing closer to the golfer than others. If you're 300 yards away you probably don't care about the fence nearly as much as someone who's 10 feet away.
That said the government should not be mandating fences for everyone. You stand behind the fence if that's what is best for you.
Oh , and I didn't vote for Trump, am pro-choice, and pro-2nd amendment. I don't label myself anything because there is no label. Registered independent.

Funny....me too.....no Trump....pro choice and a gun owner.......even teach hunter ed for the past 20 years. Keep up the good work!
I'm not sure which part you're referring to, because I do make it a point to be as informed as possible.
I just assumed he meant you were informed by doctors and research rather than podcast scientists and community college professors on YouTube. :LOL:
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