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Freedom Convoy

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Requiring proof of citizenship(which is required to legally vote) isn't taking away anyone's right to vote. If you aren't a citizen, you have no right to vote.

To clarify, being a citizen is legally required to be able to vote. Not showing proof. But how is showing proof taking away people's rights? It's just ensuring that only those with the legal right to vote are voting.

You are supposed to show ID to drive, buy liquor, buy cigarettes, have a job. Why should voting be excluded?

Look at the voting laws the republicans have changed in various states....if you don't think they want less people of color to vote....you are either blind or confused.
Requiring proof of citizenship(which is required to legally vote) isn't taking away anyone's right to vote. If you aren't a citizen, you have no right to vote.

To clarify, being a citizen is legally required to be able to vote. Not showing proof. But how is showing proof taking away people's rights? It's just ensuring that only those with the legal right to vote are voting.

You are supposed to show ID to drive, buy liquor, buy cigarettes, have a job. Why should voting be excluded?
Right. It’s called law. Why do citizens have to obey the law, but not non-citizens?
Look at the voting laws the republicans have changed in various states....if you don't think they want less people of color to vote....you are either blind or confused.

Serious request… can someone point me to the specific mechanisms or bills that are aimed at suppressing the minority vote?

I won’t stand for such things and would like to better focus on acting against it.

But I’ve not been able yet to point to any specifics on bills or measures that single out minorities. In other words, changes that wouldn’t universally impact everyone regardless of group, like ID or campaigning near polling sites.

I’m genuinely interested on how requiring ID targets minorities. I truly am; I’m assuming it’s something I haven’t considered. But the only explanations I’ve gotten are way more racist than I can possibly conceive the requirement itself could be.

I’m truly not being snarky here… this issue in particular I’ve had difficulty in getting down to brass tax on or having effective conversations about.
......nobody ever mandated you inject anything into your body.....
Exactly. People have made such a fuss about vaccines, but that hasn't been required. In some cases, such as large businesses you may have to have regular tests, but you do have the option to NOT get the vaccine. It may be a pain to meet the other requirements if you don't but the option still exists.
When you get emotional you say dumb things......nobody ever mandated you inject anything into your body.....you didn't inject bleach based on Trump's comments did you? Sure hope not. BTW.....25% of the females in this country have had an abortion so next time you're in a group......you're surronded by a bunch of murderers accordning to you.
Yes sir they did. Biden mandated it for companies with over 100 employees, federal employees, and healthcare workers. All have to take the shot (it’s not a vaccine) or get fired. That’s why people protest it.

edit: the Supreme Court rules the 100 employee mandate unconstitutional, but the healthcare mandate is still in place as far as I know
Serious request… can someone point me to the specific mechanisms or bills that are aimed at suppressing the minority vote?

I won’t stand for such things and would like to better focus on acting against it.

But I’ve not been able yet to point to any specifics on bills or measures that single out minorities. In other words, changes that wouldn’t universally impact everyone regardless of group, like ID or campaigning near polling sites.

I’m genuinely interested on how requiring ID targets minorities. I truly am; I’m assuming it’s something I haven’t considered. But the only explanations I’ve gotten are way more racist than I can possibly conceive the requirement itself could be.

I’m truly not being snarky here… this issue in particular I’ve had difficulty in getting down to brass tax on or having effective conversations about.
gerrymandering comes to mind. It may not prohibit people from voting, but it can be used to sway the outcome and/or assure that certain areas are less likely to make it to the polls.
This isn't an ID issue, but is a way to sway the vote. I'm not sure if that's what they're referring to or not though.
Yes sir they did. Biden mandated it for companies with over 100 employees. All had to take the shot (it’s not a vaccine) or get fired. That’s why people protest it.
See above.
There was an alternative if you chose not to get the vaccine. You weren't automatically fired. I know people who did it.
See above.
There was an alternative if you chose not to get the vaccine. You weren't automatically fired. I know people who did it.
Not for everyone. I know people who got fired. They were hero’s at the beginning of the pandemic, now they are looking for work. It was a mandate though.
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See above.
There was an alternative if you chose not to get the vaccine. You weren't automatically fired. I know people who did it.
I was forced to get the vaccine unless I could provide a medical exemption (none that I'm aware of for pilots) or religious exemption (I couldn't). The company I work for did not fire any pilots but the ones that couldn't provide the above, were put on unpaid LOA.
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Serious request… can someone point me to the specific mechanisms or bills that are aimed at suppressing the minority vote?

I won’t stand for such things and would like to better focus on acting against it.

But I’ve not been able yet to point to any specifics on bills or measures that single out minorities. In other words, changes that wouldn’t universally impact everyone regardless of group, like ID or campaigning near polling sites.

I’m genuinely interested on how requiring ID targets minorities. I truly am; I’m assuming it’s something I haven’t considered. But the only explanations I’ve gotten are way more racist than I can possibly conceive the requirement itself could be.

I’m truly not being snarky here… this issue in particular I’ve had difficulty in getting down to brass tax on or having effective conversations about.
There is lots of info out there with a little research...try it. Here one but keep in mind.....this is only one and comes from a liberal/progressive perspective.....it does cover a lot of facts.

Yes sir they did. Biden mandated it for companies with over 100 employees, federal employees, and healthcare workers. All have to take the shot (it’s not a vaccine) or get fired. That’s why people protest it.

edit: the Supreme Court rules the 100 employee mandate unconstitutional, but the healthcare mandate is still in place as far as I know

You did not have to get a shot....if you chose not to......you were required to be tested on a regular basis......I will also add......if you didn't like the rules.....you could work elsewhere. If shots were mandated.......even the stupid people would have them now.
Right. It’s called law. Why do citizens have to obey the law, but not non-citizens?
Everyone should abide by the law but many folks do not......both citizens and non citizens break the law at times. The good news.....most people obey the law.
You did not have to get a shot....if you chose not to......you were required to be tested on a regular basis......I will also add......if you didn't like the rules.....you could work elsewhere. If shots were mandated.......even the stupid people would have them now.
True, that's how it went for most. However, the white house did enact vax mandates. That is the reason for the freedom convey.
"Vaccines" yes, my wife was told that she would be denied chemo treatments and I would not be allowed there to support her if we did not get injected with experimental drugs that don't work. Think about that. Treatment that has worked over time for millions to treat a sure death would be denied if we did not succumb to taking the experimental "drug". Sheeple who don't know should not speak. Sure, there is a choice, Mexican black market? Be real.

Shots, you for one don't usually speak so unknowingly, I am kind of surprised.

For the voter suppression, are you guys for real? Are you calling black people too dumb to have an ID? I know quite a few "people of color" some are black, some Indian, some middle Eastern, all have IDs.

What happened in NY? Why wasn't there protests burning places to the ground? Why weren't the media preaching about peaceful protests as they were getting robbed? Where were the discrimination law suits? I mean after all, black people were being suppressed from thier right to get coffee in NYC. That's right! I mean how could they? You needed a Vax card and an ID to come in and buy a cup. They obviously could not have coffee because there is no way they could have an ID. Right?
I never understood the vax passports. Vaccinated or not, you are no less/more likely to have or transmit the virus. Fortunately I live in Idaho, so I didn't have to deal with that lunacy. I got a kick out of the Idaho businesses that were refusing entry if you wore a mask. 🤣
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I never understood the vax passports. Vaccinated or not, you are no less/more likely to have or transmit the virus. Fortunately I live in Idaho, so I didn't have to deal with that lunacy. I got a kick out of the Idaho businesses that were refusing entry if you wore a mask. 🤣
Me neither. I think it was an experiment to see how many citizens would show their “papers”. The shot doesn’t prevent spread or infection. I also quit wearing a mask after week 1 since they don’t work very well, and just made me dizzy. No lunacy for me thanks
I read through that link, and unless you lean left yourself, there's really nothing there that really mentions how many of those laws restrict anyone from voting.

Then do some more homework......not surprised you really see nothing if you lean right.....people see what they want to see......some folks still want to believe Trump won and we all know he didn't. I don't like either party.......I am a social liberal and fiscal conservative......have fun with that.
"Vaccines" yes, my wife was told that she would be denied chemo treatments and I would not be allowed there to support her if we did not get injected with experimental drugs that don't work. Think about that. Treatment that has worked over time for millions to treat a sure death would be denied if we did not succumb to taking the experimental "drug". Sheeple who don't know should not speak. Sure, there is a choice, Mexican black market? Be real.

Shots, you for one don't usually speak so unknowingly, I am kind of surprised.

For the voter suppression, are you guys for real? Are you calling black people too dumb to have an ID? I know quite a few "people of color" some are black, some Indian, some middle Eastern, all have IDs.

What happened in NY? Why wasn't there protests burning places to the ground? Why weren't the media preaching about peaceful protests as they were getting robbed? Where were the discrimination law suits? I mean after all, black people were being suppressed from thier right to get coffee in NYC. That's right! I mean how could they? You needed a Vax card and an ID to come in and buy a cup. They obviously could not have coffee because there is no way they could have an ID. Right?

Let me guess.....you carry pics of Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson in you wallet. Hope you don't love Putin like Tucker.
Me neither. I think it was an experiment to see how many citizens would show their “papers”. The shot doesn’t prevent spread or infection. I also quit wearing a mask after week 1 since they don’t work very well, and just made me dizzy. No lunacy for me thanks

That science BS is terrible...isn't it......we need to burn more coal and build bigger gas engines......we should also increase mag capacity for our guns......you know.....to protect our rights!
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