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Freedom Convoy

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Guns aren't dangerous, any more than hundreds of other tools people use every day.

There's only one commonality in everything you've been whinging about for the last few days.
It’s like I said earlier. Ban cars because people die in car wrecks?
No, not you. You don't need any data, when you have emotion and whatever talking points you're fed.

You're too short-sighted to see that we're all on the same side when it comes to preventing homicides, and you're not well-educated enough to understand why your position directly interferes with accomplishing that.

The mirror is calling you.
The mirror is calling you.
99% of the population does not wear a mask correctly and that's never going to change. Comparing how John Q. Public wears his mask, to a surgeon is silly.

We're going to have to agree to disagree, because I don't believe wearing a mask is better than not wearing one.
I'm not comparing John Q. to a surgeon. I agree that the majority of the public don't wear masks properly. The surgeon (and other medical personnel) have been trained on the proper application, fit and removal of a mask. The public was simply told to wear it "properly" and they were expected to figure it out on their own, so you see a lot of people wearing them improperly.

My comparison to a surgeon only serves to provide and example that they CAN be worn without messing with it while moving/talking. Worn that way (properly), they are better than not wearing one at all. A direct contradiction to your assertion that they can't be worn while moving/talking and subsequently more dangerous than not wearing one at all.

I did not say, or imply that it applies to everyone in the country. The mask must be worn properly. If so, it IS better than not wearing one at all.
Ergo, I wear a mask because it's better than nothing.

Guns are a dangerous tool and are a problem in our society.......we both know that.

Guns aren't dangerous, any more than hundreds of other tools people use every day.

There's only one commonality in everything you've been whinging about for the last few days.
It’s like I said earlier. Ban cars because people die in car wrecks?
Exactly. Guns are a dangerous tool, just like automobiles are a dangerous tool.
36,096 people died in crashes in 2019 and 38,680 died in 2020. ← Per NHTSA
To compare apples to apples and use the same source lets look at CDC stats.
On average approximately 37,000 people are killed and over 2,000,000 (2 million) are injured by automobiles.
By comparison, approximately 38,000 people are killed and approximately 28,000 are injured by guns.

So yes, a lot of people are killed and injured by guns every year, that is undeniable. Even though the death rate compared to automobiles is roughly 2.7% higher, the injury rate by an automobile is 710% higher. So statistically speaking, your odd of being killed by gunfire are similar to dying by an automobile. However you are far more likely to be injured by an automobile than by a gun, which makes it a much more dangerous tool.
If we need to increase regulations on guns, we probably need to increase regulations on automobiles too.
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I'm not comparing John Q. to a surgeon. I agree that the majority of the public don't wear masks properly. The surgeon (and other medical personnel) have been trained on the proper application, fit and removal of a mask. The public was simply told to wear it "properly" and they were expected to figure it out on their own, so you see a lot of people wearing them improperly.

My comparison to a surgeon only serves to provide and example that they CAN be worn in such a way that they are better than not wearing one at all. A direct contradiction to your claim that they are more dangerous than not wearing one.

I did not say, or imply that it applies to everyone in the country. The mask must be worn properly. If so, it IS better than not wearing one at all.

Exactly. Guns are a dangerous tool, just like automobiles are a dangerous tool.
36,096 people died in crashes in 2019 and 38,680 died in 2020. ← Per NHTSA
To compare apples to apples and use the same source lets look at CDC stats.
On average approximately 37,000 people are killed and over 2,000,000 (2 million) are injured by automobiles.
By comparison, approximately 38,000 people are killed and approximately 28,000 are injured by guns.

So yes, a lot of people are killed and injured by guns every year, that is undeniable. Even though the death rate compared to automobiles is roughly 2.7% higher, the injury rate by an automobile is 710% higher. So statistically speaking, your odd of being killed by gunfire are similar to dying by an automobile. However you are far more likely to be injured by an automobile than by a gun, which makes it a much more dangerous tool.
If we need to increase regulations on guns, we probably need to increase regulations on automobiles too.
Jerrybob will be back shortly with a link to Everytown or Gifford's that will show us all the light if we only learn how to read.
I'm not comparing John Q. to a surgeon. I agree that the majority of the public don't wear masks properly. The surgeon (and other medical personnel) have been trained on the proper application, fit and removal of a mask. The public was simply told to wear it "properly" and they were expected to figure it out on their own, so you see a lot of people wearing them improperly.

My comparison to a surgeon only serves to provide and example that they CAN be worn in such a way that they are better than not wearing one at all. A direct contradiction to your claim that they are more dangerous than not wearing one.

I did not say, or imply that it applies to everyone in the country. The mask must be worn properly. If so, it IS better than not wearing one at all.
Ergo, I wear a mask because it's better than nothing.

Exactly. Guns are a dangerous tool, just like automobiles are a dangerous tool.
36,096 people died in crashes in 2019 and 38,680 died in 2020. ← Per NHTSA
To compare apples to apples and use the same source lets look at CDC stats.
On average approximately 37,000 people are killed and over 2,000,000 (2 million) are injured by automobiles.
By comparison, approximately 38,000 people are killed and approximately 28,000 are injured by guns.

So yes, a lot of people are killed and injured by guns every year, that is undeniable. Even though the death rate compared to automobiles is roughly 2.7% higher, the injury rate by an automobile is 710% higher. So statistically speaking, your odd of being killed by gunfire are similar to dying by an automobile. However you are far more likely to be injured by an automobile than by a gun, which makes it a much more dangerous tool.
If we need to increase regulations on guns, we probably need to increase regulations on automobiles too.
I'm not comparing John Q. to a surgeon. I agree that the majority of the public don't wear masks properly. The surgeon (and other medical personnel) have been trained on the proper application, fit and removal of a mask. The public was simply told to wear it "properly" and they were expected to figure it out on their own, so you see a lot of people wearing them improperly.

My comparison to a surgeon only serves to provide and example that they CAN be worn in such a way that they are better than not wearing one at all. A direct contradiction to your claim that they are more dangerous than not wearing one.

I did not say, or imply that it applies to everyone in the country. The mask must be worn properly. If so, it IS better than not wearing one at all.
Ergo, I wear a mask because it's better than nothing.

Exactly. Guns are a dangerous tool, just like automobiles are a dangerous tool.
36,096 people died in crashes in 2019 and 38,680 died in 2020. ← Per NHTSA
To compare apples to apples and use the same source lets look at CDC stats.
On average approximately 37,000 people are killed and over 2,000,000 (2 million) are injured by automobiles.
By comparison, approximately 38,000 people are killed and approximately 28,000 are injured by guns.

So yes, a lot of people are killed and injured by guns every year, that is undeniable. Even though the death rate compared to automobiles is roughly 2.7% higher, the injury rate by an automobile is 710% higher. So statistically speaking, your odd of being killed by gunfire are similar to dying by an automobile. However you are far more likely to be injured by an automobile than by a gun, which makes it a much more dangerous tool.
If we need to increase regulations on guns, we probably need to increase regulations on automobiles too.
That’s my point about motor vehicles. There are bad drivers, and bad gun owners. A person who shows severe mental health issues which could compromise other peoples safety should operate neither. Either way, not the gun or the car. Taking them away from law abiding citizens will not help either case.
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