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Freedom Convoy

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Is it just that you don't know what globalism looks like, or are you brainwashed to the point that you think diversity and globalism are the same thing?

You can pretend that it's my inability to read if you want, but just know that you're barking up the wrong tree. I'm a bit beyond a "grammer" school education, and so far I've been fairly nice to you, considering.

Woof...woof......please don't hold back.

For your reading pleasure......

Woof...woof......please don't hold back.

For your reading pleasure......

OK, now explain how that applies to the demographics of one state in this country.

Guns are a tool. They play zero part. None.

The phrase you're looking for is "personal accountability." So long as folks like you choose to scapegoat firearms, rather than taking some accountability, nothing will get done.

Guns are a dangerous tool and are a problem in our society.......we both know that.
Guns are a dangerous tool and are a problem in our society.......we both know that.
Guns aren't dangerous, any more than hundreds of other tools people use every day.

There's only one commonality in everything you've been whinging about for the last few days.
If that is a question you seriouly care about....do your own research......spoon feeding someone is not my thing.
Supporting any of your positions is apparently not your thing, either.

The so-called benefits of globalism are not a reason that New Hampshire "needs more diversity." No one is stopping anyone from moving to New Hampshire. That's not how it works, if you know anything about this country.
Guns aren't dangerous, any more than hundreds of other tools people use every day.

There's only one commonality in everything you've been whinging about for the last few days.

Oh boy....another guns don't kill people....people kill people argument.......you're wasting my time.
If that is a question you seriouly care about....do your own research......spoon feeding someone is not my thing.
And yet you request to be spoon fed data when your opinion is put into question. Hello pot.
Oh boy....another guns don't kill people....people kill people argument.......you're wasting my time.
You're wasting your own time.

I wouldn't go hang out with a bunch of neuroscientists and try to fit in, because I'm honest enough with myself to know that I don't know what I'm talking about in that conversation.

You're not honest enough to admit that you're out of your depth here. People have been killing each other since they first learned a rock was harder than a human skull, and you think that will stop if we just get rid of the firearms that you deem scary? How do you not see the ignorance of that position?
Supporting any of your positions is apparently not your thing, either.

The so-called benefits of globalism are not a reason that New Hampshire "needs more diversity." No one is stopping anyone from moving to New Hampshire. That's not how it works, if you know anything about this country.

I am sure their welcoing committee would agree with you.
You're wasting your own time.

I wouldn't go hang out with a bunch of neuroscientists and try to fit in, because I'm honest enough with myself to know that I don't know what I'm talking about in that conversation.

You're not honest enough to admit that you're out of your depth here. People have been killing each other since they first learned a rock was harder than a human skull, and you think that will stop if we just get rid of the firearms that you deem scary? How do you not see the ignorance of that position?

It must be fun for you to just ignore the problem.
Not me......I don't need your BS data.
No, not you. You don't need any data, when you have emotion and whatever talking points you're fed.

You're too short-sighted to see that we're all on the same side when it comes to preventing homicides, and you're not well-educated enough to understand why your position directly interferes with accomplishing that.
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