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Freedom Convoy

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If you sit still and don't talk to anyone, yes, you can wear a mask without touching it. The other 99.999% of the population cannot do that, so wearing a mask can be more harmful than not wearing one at all.

I've been wearing glasses for a few years now. I am constantly fidgeting with them, but I suppose if I sat still somewhere, I could probably leave them alone.

Those that are immunocompromised should take whatever measures necessary to avoid exposing themselves to harmful germs. The rest of us need exposure to good and bad germs, in order to have a healthy immune system.
I've been wearing glasses since I was 3 years old. I wear them all day long and rarely touch them. About the only time I have to touch them is to put them on/off or clean them. I run entire marathons with them and don't have to touch them once. That's far from sitting still. You either need to get a pair that fit better, or you don't wear them regularly enough to get used to them.

Likewise, masks can be worn without touching them, while still moving, talking and doing things. A surgeon and all the O.R. personnel are moving around and communicating without touching their masks. Just like glasses, they're properly fit/adjusted and they're used to wearing it.

And yes, I agree that the immune compromised should take the necessary measures to avoid exposure. Which is why I wear a mask (as previously noted). Do I think everyone should wear them? Only if they want to. You do what's right for you. I'm not saying (and never did say) I support mask mandates. My point was only that a properly worn mask is better than nothing. It doesn't increase your risk of exposure to germs if you wear it correctly and leave it alone like you're supposed to do. That is a properly worn mask, and that is better than not wearing one.

FWIW, people touch their faces all the time, it's not just when they're wearing a mask. Sit and people watch for a while, focusing specifically on that. You'll see it a lot, even though they're unmasked. They'll rub their eyes, wipe/itch their nose, pick their teeth, scratch their chin, cheeks and forehead, or simply rest their hand against their face (or face on their hand). This is a very common way that colds are spread, because people won't stop touching their faces. This has been an issue long before Covid and masks.
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Medical personnel have done it in hospitals long before Covid, and they continue to wear them without fidgeting with it. This takes self control to develop the habit to get used to something on your face, but once you get used to wearing a mask you can easily wear it for a long time without fidgeting with it.
Yep. When this all started, masks were required for where I worked at the time, and I managed to lecture for 6-8 hours at a time without messing with my mask.
I've been wearing glasses since I was 3 years old. I wear them all day long and rarely touch them. About the only time I have to touch them is to put them on/off or clean them. I run entire marathons with them and don't have to touch them once. That's far from sitting still. You either need to get a pair that fit better, or you don't wear them regularly enough to get used to them.

Likewise, masks can be worn without touching them, while still moving, talking and doing things. A surgeon and all the O.R. personnel are moving around and communicating without touching their masks. Just like glasses, they're properly fit/adjusted and they're used to wearing it.

And yes, I agree that the immune compromised should take the necessary measures to avoid exposure. Which is why I wear a mask (as previously noted). Do I think everyone should wear them? Only if they want to. You do what's right for you. I'm not saying (and never did say) I support mask mandates. My point was only that a properly worn mask is better than nothing. It doesn't increase your risk of exposure to germs if you wear it correctly and leave it alone like you're supposed to do. That is a properly worn mask, and that is better than not wearing one.

FWIW, people touch their faces all the time, it's not just when they're wearing a mask. Sit and people watch for a while, focusing specifically on that. You'll see it a lot, even though they're unmasked. They'll rub their eyes, wipe/itch their nose, pick their teeth, scratch their chin, cheeks and forehead, or simply rest their hand against their face (or face on their hand). This is a very common way that colds are spread, because people won't stop touching their faces. This has been an issue long before Covid and masks.
99% of the population does not wear a mask correctly and that's never going to change. Comparing how John Q. Public wears his mask, to a surgeon is silly.

Asians are very disciplined about wearing masks and they've been doing it well before COVID. Look how that worked out.

I watch people all day long. I ride in the back of airplanes and sit in airport terminals for hours, every week. People are going to touch their faces, no matter what. That's why wearing a mask or not is not going to make a difference for 99% of the population.

We're going to have to agree to disagree, because I don't believe wearing a mask is better than not wearing one.
If you don't want to wear a mask, then don't. But don't also pretend that it has no positive effect or, even worse, delude yourself into believing it's actually harmful. Just say, "I don't want to wear a mask." You don't need to quote washed-up Community College professors and YouTube/podcast scientists.
Which part of my question was confusing for you?

Here it is again:
"Why do they need some diversity?"

Tell me which is the hard part and let's see if we can walk you through it.

By the way, there's a difference between diversity and globalism.

Maybe have someone read you the why diversity is important article.....have them read it slowly.....try to listen and understand.
You’re not even reading the posts to compose your response. I said assault weapon, not assault rifle.

please at least try to have a decent rebuttal to everyone else here who’s not drinking the kool aid. 😉

Sementics.....nice try.....next.
You just siphoned all the fun out of this argument....lol
He did nothing of the sort. All you have to do is read the box your mask comes in and the CDC mask guidelines to figure out the effectiveness of a dirty/improperly worn mask. The majority of mask wearers don't follow any guidelines.
You won't like this response, but you're not wrong. I don't think guns are the issue.

The problem lies much deeper than that. What we need to do is increase awareness of mental health issues, provide better support/treatment to those who are suffering from mental health problems, teach our youth how to deal with their problems in a healthy way (this ultimately helps adults because those kids grow up) and to make more resources available for people in crisis. None of those things involve a gun or the regulation of them. What they do is help to solve the core problem, which is addressing the issues of the person who would be holding the gun. The gun isn't the problem, the problem is someone thinking that is the best/only option.

I agree with much of what you say.....but guns are a part of the problem.....access to guns......the number of guns.....irresponsible gun ownership.....mental health.......all are factors.....guns play a big part.
Here is some light homework reading for you. Didn't appear that you were up to the challenge of doing your own homework.

Excerpt from the article if you have a hard time reading.

"Everytown defines these incidents as any time a firearm discharges a live round inside a school building, or on a school campus or grounds. Its database, however, includes incidents where no one was injured; attempted or completed suicide, with no intent to injure others; and cases when a gun was fired unintentionally, resulting in injury or death."

You never answered the question about where that school/park shooting occured....still waiting.
If you sit still and don't talk to anyone, yes, you can wear a mask without touching it. The other 99.999% of the population cannot do that, so wearing a mask can be more harmful than not wearing one at all.

I've been wearing glasses for a few years now. I am constantly fidgeting with them, but I suppose if I sat still somewhere, I could probably leave them alone.

Those that are immunocompromised should take whatever measures necessary to avoid exposing themselves to harmful germs. The rest of us need exposure to good and bad germs, in order to have a healthy immune system.

Just glad you didn't cover what you do with condoms.....thanks.
Maybe have someone read you the why diversity is important article.....have them read it slowly.....try to listen and understand.
Is it just that you don't know what globalism looks like, or are you brainwashed to the point that you think diversity and globalism are the same thing?

You can pretend that it's my inability to read if you want, but just know that you're barking up the wrong tree. I'm a bit beyond a "grammer" school education, and so far I've been fairly nice to you, considering.
I agree with much of what you say.....but guns are a part of the problem.....access to guns......the number of guns.....irresponsible gun ownership.....mental health.......all are factors.....guns play a big part.
Guns are a tool. They play zero part. None.

The phrase you're looking for is "personal accountability." So long as folks like you choose to scapegoat firearms, rather than taking some accountability, nothing will get done.
Facts are very difficult for you to accept.
Facts are difficult for you to find to support your comment. Shots destroyed your theory of it coming from Nazi Germany. Just another leftist theory
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