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Freedom Convoy

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Is transitioning the politically correct term for "annoying"? :LOL:

My wife asked me to stop singing “I’m a believer”​

by the Monkees because she found it annoying.

At first I thought she was kidding.

But then I saw her face…
Wasn’t being funny at all. The truth is anything is an assault weapon if you use it to assault someone. The term was coined by the lunatic left.

No it wasn't......it's a military term.....some attribute to Hitler...get your facts right!

The term assault rifle is generally attributed to Adolf Hitler, who used the German word Sturmgewehr (which translates to "assault rifle") as the new name for the MP 43 (Maschinenpistole), subsequently known as the Sturmgewehr 44.
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I was very clear.

Your best answer is just that diversity is a good thing?

No you weren't.....we both know that. Read this....might help.

No it wasn't......it's a military term.....some attribute to Hitler...get your facts right!

The term assault rifle is generally attributed to Adolf Hitler, who used the German word Sturmgewehr (which translates to "assault rifle") as the new name for the MP 43 (Maschinenpistole), subsequently known as the Sturmgewehr 44.
It's actually not a military term. Liberals made that **** up to push a "scary" gun agenda.
No you weren't.....we both know that. Read this....might help.

Which part of my question was confusing for you?

Here it is again:
"Why do they need some diversity?"

Tell me which is the hard part and let's see if we can walk you through it.

By the way, there's a difference between diversity and globalism.
No it wasn't......it's a military term.....some attribute to Hitler...get your facts right!

The term assault rifle is generally attributed to Adolf Hitler, who used the German word Sturmgewehr (which translates to "assault rifle") as the new name for the MP 43 (Maschinenpistole), subsequently known as the Sturmgewehr 44.
You’re not even reading the posts to compose your response. I said assault weapon, not assault rifle.

please at least try to have a decent rebuttal to everyone else here who’s not drinking the kool aid. 😉
I love the argument.......no matter what is presented.......you will always say guns are not the issue.......I get it.
You won't like this response, but you're not wrong. I don't think guns are the issue.

The problem lies much deeper than that. What we need to do is increase awareness of mental health issues, provide better support/treatment to those who are suffering from mental health problems, teach our youth how to deal with their problems in a healthy way (this ultimately helps adults because those kids grow up) and to make more resources available for people in crisis. None of those things involve a gun or the regulation of them. What they do is help to solve the core problem, which is addressing the issues of the person who would be holding the gun. The gun isn't the problem, the problem is someone thinking that is the best/only option.
Way to support your make believe argument.
Here is some light homework reading for you. Didn't appear that you were up to the challenge of doing your own homework.

Excerpt from the article if you have a hard time reading.

"Everytown defines these incidents as any time a firearm discharges a live round inside a school building, or on a school campus or grounds. Its database, however, includes incidents where no one was injured; attempted or completed suicide, with no intent to injure others; and cases when a gun was fired unintentionally, resulting in injury or death."
You with the chamber of commerce or sell real estate? I bet that is their motto!
No but you said it yourself in post #258, facts are facts. Anyone is welcome to come/go as they please.
This is where I disagree. What I've observed is people wearing masks are fiddling with the mask and touching their faces much more frequently than those who are not wearing masks. If you could wear your mask all day long without touching it, it might be better than nothing. We all know that is impossible.....
That's a valid point, and they're only effective when properly worn. That means fit and placement, as well as not messing with it. That said, it's not "impossible" to wear a mask without touching your face. Medical personnel have done it in hospitals long before Covid, and they continue to wear them without fidgeting with it. This takes self control to develop the habit to get used to something on your face, but once you get used to wearing a mask you can easily wear it for a long time without fidgeting with it. This is no different than putting glass on someone for the first time. They are constantly are adjusting them and/or touching them. After a while they get used to how they feel on their face and walk around all day without touching their glasses at all.

FWIW, there were areas in my oncologist's office/treatment center where masks were required to be worn even before Covid. So at the very least you can potentially protect yourself from the flu, a cold or other illnesses. For those who've been weakened by chemo a simple cold may not be so simple and potentially fatal. When the stakes are that high, you can learn to not touch your face pretty quick.
Having said all that, you are absolutely right that the majority of the public wearing masks aren't wearing them correctly, and most people won't leave it alone. But if you wear it right it's better than nothing.

My wife asked me to stop singing “I’m a believer”​

by the Monkees because she found it annoying.

At first I thought she was kidding.

But then I saw her face…
Boooooo. 🤣 🤣 🤣

No it wasn't......it's a military term.....some attribute to Hitler...get your facts right!

The term assault rifle is generally attributed to Adolf Hitler, who used the German word Sturmgewehr (which translates to "assault rifle") as the new name for the MP 43 (Maschinenpistole), subsequently known as the Sturmgewehr 44.
Technically Sturmgewehr could also be translated to storm rifle.
German is a very interesting language, and surprisingly similar to English's rules. The part that makes German difficult is you see these big long words. That's actually just nouns jammed together to make one word. For examples orangensaft (orange juice) or hundehaus (dog house). So Strum Gewehr is two words jammed together.
Moving on with our German lesson. The other thing that really messes with people (and muddies the water in this case) is that some words have multiple meanings. For example tor can mean goal or gate. Likewise Sturm typically means storm, but it's use in Sturmgewehr has pretty much become an accepted translation to assault rifle. One could also use angriff for attack or assault so you could probably more accurately use Angriffsgewehr to say assault rifle.
So since Hitler didn't translate it to English, and the term assault rifle didn't exist at the time, we can only speculate that he wasn't calling it a storm rifle.
Shots is right about German, it is quite literal. Luftwaffen is Air Weapon. We won't bring up Arnold's name around JB...
No but you said it yourself in post #258, facts are facts. Anyone is welcome to come/go as they please.

That's a valid point, and they're only effective when properly worn. That means fit and placement, as well as not messing with it. That said, it's not "impossible" to wear a mask without touching your face. Medical personnel have done it in hospitals long before Covid, and they continue to wear them without fidgeting with it. This takes self control to develop the habit to get used to something on your face, but once you get used to wearing a mask you can easily wear it for a long time without fidgeting with it. This is no different than putting glass on someone for the first time. They are constantly are adjusting them and/or touching them. After a while they get used to how they feel on their face and walk around all day without touching their glasses at all.

FWIW, there were areas in my oncologist's office/treatment center where masks were required to be worn even before Covid. So at the very least you can potentially protect yourself from the flu, a cold or other illnesses. For those who've been weakened by chemo a simple cold may not be so simple and potentially fatal. When the stakes are that high, you can learn to not touch your face pretty quick.
Having said all that, you are absolutely right that the majority of the public wearing masks aren't wearing them correctly, and most people won't leave it alone. But if you wear it right it's better than nothing.

Boooooo. 🤣 🤣 🤣
If you sit still and don't talk to anyone, yes, you can wear a mask without touching it. The other 99.999% of the population cannot do that, so wearing a mask can be more harmful than not wearing one at all.

I've been wearing glasses for a few years now. I am constantly fidgeting with them, but I suppose if I sat still somewhere, I could probably leave them alone.

Those that are immunocompromised should take whatever measures necessary to avoid exposing themselves to harmful germs. The rest of us need exposure to good and bad germs, in order to have a healthy immune system.
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If you sit still and don't talk to anyone, yes, you can wear a mask without touching it. The other 99.999% of the population cannot do that, so wearing a mask can be more harmful than not wearing one at all.

I've been wearing glasses for a few years now. I am constantly fidgeting with them, but I suppose if I sat still somewhere, I could probably leave them alone.

Those that are immunocompromised should take whatever measures necessary to avoid exposing themselves to harmful germs. The rest of us need exposure, to both good and bad germs, in order to have a healthy immune system.
I’ve been wearing masks for years when sick, just to help prevent others from catching my cold or whatever, pre Covid hysteria.

And most people don’t have it over their nose anyway. It’s mostly for show
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