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Freedom Convoy

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It's just the way they skew numbers to fit an agenda. Just like for a shooting to be classified as a "school shooting" it just has to happen on school property. Many of these shootings have nothing to do with the school, or even anyone inside the school. Could be gang, or drug related and just hapoen to happen on school property in middle of night with no kids anywhere close. But still listed in official stats as a "school shooting" to push an agenda.

Love it.....shootings on school campuses are NOT school shootings......wonder if Parkland or Columbine agree?
Thanks for the info, but they’re painting a narrative.

I dont like the term “assault weapon”……... If I assault you with a toaster, that toaster becomes an assault weapon.

I wish these sites would stop using that term based on the way a rifle looks.

Also the “AR” in AR15 doesn’t stand for “assault rifle”, despite what the drive by media says.

I love these arguments.....maybe toasters should be limited to two slices......you guys are funny.
And there's no checkpoint at the state line limiting access, so any race, religion or gender is free to move there.

You with the chamber of commerce or sell real estate? I bet that is their motto!
Love it.....shootings on school campuses are NOT school shootings......wonder if Parkland or Columbine agree?
Like I said, a gang member shooting another gang member at 2am in a park that just happens to be school property is not the same as a random gunman walking the halls of a school shooting students and staff, but yet both are classified the same
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Like I said, a gang member shooting another gang member at 2am in a park that just happens to be school property is not the same as a random gunman walking the halls of a alcohol shooting students and staff, but yet both are classified the same

Where is that school park you refer to? I don't seem to recall your incident in which you base your comments????
Wasn’t being funny at all. The truth is anything is an assault weapon if you use it to assault someone. The term was coined by the lunatic left.
Sturmgewehr (assault rifle) is a Nazi term, don't get much more lunatic than that!
I wore one, and still do on occasion. If for no other reason than because it doesn't hurt. It "might" help, but it won't hurt. Plenty of people play the lottery because they "might" win. Others don't play because they know the odds are very low. It's okay by me either way. I'm not wasting my dollar on the lottery but I don't care if someone else does. Likewise, I'll wear a mask but don't care if someone else does.
I know they say masks are to protect others, and that cloth doesn't work very well because the weave is bigger than the virus. Even still, I wore it to protect me not everyone else. Even if it's only 1% effective at protecting me, that's a 1% better shot at avoiding infection than no mask at all. I came up with a "golf ball theory" in regards to how it may help (and I may be out in left field on this, but that's how I decided what was right for me with masks).
Say someone is going to hit a golf ball at you. You have a chain link fence that a golf ball can obviously fit through. You have the option to stand there unprotected and let the golf ball come at you, or you can stand behind the chain link fence. We know the ball can get through the fence, but there's a chance it might not. So why not stand behind it. Likewise, I know the virus can get through the weave of cloth, but maybe there's a chance it won't.​
Obviously I'm not a doctor but there's no harm in trying to protect yourself. Since there was no negative side to wearing it, I'll take every miniscule advantage I can. Worst case, I wore a mask for no reason. No harm, no foul.
That easily passes the risk-reward test for me. Zero risk with any chance of a reward is worth taking a shot. That said, I can see where a low risk person won't bother wearing one. To relate back to the golf ball theory, some of us are standing closer to the golfer than others. If you're 300 yards away you probably don't care about the fence nearly as much as someone who's 10 feet away.
That said the government should not be mandating fences for everyone. You stand behind the fence if that's what is best for you.

This is where I disagree. What I've observed is people wearing masks are fiddling with the mask and touching their faces much more frequently than those who are not wearing masks. If you could wear your mask all day long without touching it, it might be better than nothing. We all know that is impossible. However, the purpose of wearing a mask is to reduce the chance of the wearer spreading the virus, not protecting the wearer from the virus. Now, because you are wearing a mask to help others, you are exposing yourself to additional risk.
This is where I disagree. What I've observed is people wearing masks are fiddling with the mask and touching their faces much more frequently than those who are not wearing masks. If you could wear your mask all day long without touching it, it might be better than nothing. We all know that is impossible. However, the purpose of wearing a mask is to reduce the chance of the wearer spreading the virus, not protecting the wearer from the virus. Now, because you are wearing a mask to help others, you are exposing yourself to additional risk.
The most ridiculous thing I saw was the guy virtue signaling in the grocery store with his usless ill fitting surgical mask 😷 pushing his cart. Right when I looked up I could see his face, eyes starting to squint shut, he quickly yanked his mask down and AACCHOOO!!🤧 didn't cover his mouth with his hand, elbow, nothing, wiped his nose with the back of his hand and promptly put his mask back in place. Nice work🤨. Completely defeated the point of the mask. I just had to laugh and go on about my shopping.😎
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