Thanks! I have a dealer appt in about 1.5 weeks. I will post an update once complete.Good Morning EWH,
Sorry for the delay, please check your private messages..
RAM Social Care Specialist
Thanks! I have a dealer appt in about 1.5 weeks. I will post an update once complete.Good Morning EWH,
Sorry for the delay, please check your private messages..
RAM Social Care Specialist
Hi everyone,
Recently there was a Technical Service Bulletin (TSB) that appears to address concerns similar to the symptoms that you are having with your vehicle. TSB 05-001-19. To ensure this TSB applies, we would like to get you into the dealer to have a qualified technician review the details of the TSB and specifics of your vehicle. Once reviewed, the technician can then perform the repair procedure that best matches the symptoms and diagnosis of your vehicle. Please send us a private message if you would like any assistance with this. We're happy to help!
Ram Social Care Specialist
My Big Horn does the exact same thing as yours. Honestly, it’s embarrassing when your in a parking lot, with a brand new $45,000 truck (my case) and the damn brakes screech! Everyone around stops and looks, not thinking that bad sound, actually came from a brand new rig... I have 1,800 miles on mine now. It’s rediculous.. heading to the dealer this week for hopefully a brake replacementMine is still doing this sometimes when in reverse and lightly braking when backing up. I have 9000 miles. I am debating whether to take it in before the 12K mile mark for this issue but I don't want to waste time if all they will say is it is normal. I don't understand why there is no official fix for this from Ram.
My Big Horn does the exact same thing as yours. Honestly, it’s embarrassing when your in a parking lot, with a brand new $45,000 truck (my case) and the **** brakes screech! Everyone around stops and looks, not thinking that bad sound, actually came from a brand new rig... I have 1,800 miles on mine now. It’s rediculous.. heading to the dealer this week for hopefully a brake replacement
I went into my dealer today with this issue and my ticket literally has this response typed out on it "Inspected, found star case in fca system for this concern. no correction at this time". 3000 miles on my new beautiful truck and they tell me I just have to deal with it. Can you help?
Embarrassing is right! For me it's backing out AND moving forward out of a parked state. Had the Chewabacca howl and screeeeech this afternoon after washing the truck and I had to look around to make sure people in neighborhood weren't turning their heads. Thankfully nobody was out walking or about. Now, I may have woke some babies in the neighborhood for sure, lol.
I shouldn't laugh about this but the whole drama with the brake problem is so ridiculous considering how much time we are all wasting writing on this thread without any immediate solution. I'm also waiting like others on back ordered pads. It doesn't seem like its worth the effort to involve @RamCares at this point. It's a parts manufacturing flaw that they know about and will have to correct. All we can do is just pile on this thread, get to the dealership to report the problem and hope there is a solution.
Here's a story for ya! Took mine to dealer Friday for rear brake noise backing up. Have already been there once and they took 3.5hrs to LOOK at the rear brakes. Said had to order parts. Never heard anything so I called them, was told "Yes your parts are here, we've been trying to call" They did not!
Took truck there Friday afternoon for brake work and power adj. pedal recall. 1:00 appt, got there at 12:30, they took the truck right on back, at 4:15 they are finally done with it.
Tech tells me that he did the pedal recall, but that he took the front calipers off, then found he had a box of rear pads. Put the front back together, pulled the back apart, then parts man told him the rear pads were for another customer, so he put the back together with my original pads!!! Then they said but there is a tech note for fronts making noise going down the road so go ahead put some front pads on. He tore the front back down, put new pads on front (Which I have never heard a peep out of). I told them I had originally brought the truck in two weeks ago for rear brake noise backing up. They said "we don't have any extra sets of rear pads and we wouldn't have time to put them on now anyway"!!
SO from 12:30 to 4:15 I got a set of front brakes I didn't need, no rear brakes, and a recall done. Burnt 1/2 day of vacation and drove an hour to be stuck in their waiting room for the wrong work to be done.
Backed out of the drive this morning and it sounded like a train coming through the yard! Sick of RAMs incompetent service departments...
Hi everyone,
We completely understand your frustration. We would like the opportunity to help you address this with your dealers. Please send us a private message so we can see if there's anything we can do on our end to help you out.
Ram Social Care Specialist
Dealers can't help us if part is on back order
My truck with 6500 miles just started this backing up howl this week. Over the course of the last 6 days it has gotten progressively worse. I live in a little harbor side community where the houses are very close together so this is a big deal for me and my neighbors - ugh...
And the service department when I bought the truck is completely inept. I feel trapped
My truck with 6500 miles just started this backing up howl this week. Over the course of the last 6 days it has gotten progressively worse. I live in a little harbor side community where the houses are very close together so this is a big deal for me and my neighbors - ugh...
And the service department when I bought the truck is completely inept. I feel trapped
I am with all of youI have been to the dealer 4 times, with all brakes being replaced and not only is the squeal still there, it is louder than ever before and happens 100% of the time.
The last visit with my dealer said it is a known issue with no ETA to be fixed. I think this is completely unacceptable. I came from owning Lexus's for years and I will say this would never have happened, and if by chance it did they would have somehow compensated me for the huge amount of frustration this has caused.
FCA needs to start putting the "Customer First" and addressing what I would consider a major point of pain for their customers.
Just took my truck in yesterday and handed them the printed out TSB with no issue this time (4th time is the charm?). We shall see what happens next.
Major disappointment! The new TSB does not cover a sufficient span of builds! I have the rear brakes issues with an October 14, 2018 build, and the dealer I'm working with has November and December builds with the same issues and, of course, the corporate computer won't allow application of the TSB if you're not in the date span...
It would be nice to see FCA extend the brake warranty because of how widespread this intermittent issue is.
My truck was built in June and I have the horrible brake issue. When I had my truck in about a month ago they told me it was normal. Service departments are absolutely worthless.