Tesla has made most of its money by other car companies including a ton from Chrysler paying for carbon credits. Does this sound like free market.
There is definitely some truth in what you say. But, really, it has been a combination of government and private industry that has made the US so successful (so far).
It works best when we allow the government to fund research that private companies otherwise would never do, because of industry's need for quarterly profits to keep stock price up. That said, I am also of the opinion that this whole EV thing has been handled crazy-poorly, and the federal and state govt's are pushing too hard and thus pushing their luck.
One example of gov't intervention that has paid dividend upon dividend upon dividend is forcing the automakers to {A} design vehicles for better occupant protection (that, of course, also heavily influenced by the insurance companies), and {B} instituted emissions controls. The auto industry TOTALLY and COMPLETELY failed their customers on those two major fronts, and without the gov't forcing the issue, the automakers would have done nothing.
Hence, IMO, it takes a balance of gov't and industry to make our fortunate, prosperous American society work well, but from time to time the balance of power goes too far. It'll correct itself, as it always has, as long as every citizen takes their civil responsivblities seriously, and maintains civility and cooperation in the process.