I’m trying my best to just chill out and see what happens, but I argue that Trump and Collins were actually working together to make it look good for Trump. Take a look at her history, as in spend about 15 minutes googling what she did in TV before she was on stage for CNN, and let me know what you guys think after that. I think it’s all keyfabe. It was so obvious that I think she played the villain on purpose to elicit sympathy for Trump on stage. Also, Collins is replacing Don lemon’s spot on CNN. It will be interesting to see her takes on things, and whether she follows the old CNN narrative or bring something new to the table.
Edit: John Malone is on board also. He has promised to change the network. Once again, I’m sitting back to see what happens. I’m not implying that I would taking any type of physical action, just speaking in terms of research.