Well-Known Member
The HDs. I think the XHDs will be far too stiff for my liking, but thats just a guess. Just thinking it through if theyre rated to increase payload by %70 vs the %35 of the HDs, id be concerned they do that by sacrificing ride comfort. Especially considering they offer twice the capacity increase. But they MAY do that by adding another loop or two to the top part that compresses under heavy loads.That was exactly what I have been searching for. I’m thinking I may do the 893XHD’s. Your explanation of it feeling like a 2500/3500 is what I’m looking for when towing. I appreciate the side by side pics too. I’ll keep watching to see how your next trip goes. Interested to see what difference it makes.
I put in the tuftruck 1211’s and the ride stiffened up but the coil was so much smaller that I worry it will fall out when I get an oil changed or tire rotate.
Is your 893’s the HD’s or XHD’s?

As far as the springs coming out with it on a lift. At least one member has confirmed that they will come out a little. I’m not sure if that will end up translating to being a problem or not… But it is certainly not something I considered when I started down to this adventure.